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Dominic Hinde

University of Glasgow

Based in

United Kingdom

I am a researcher and university lecturer in Media and Journalism studies with a particular emphasis on journalism practice as it relates to Climate Change. At the University of Glasgow I lecture on the graduate programme in International Journalism and previously worked as a foreign correspondent for British and American newspapers and radio.

In 2021 I will be publishing a new book, ‘Journalism in the Anthropocene’ with Palgrave MacMillan addressing key points of journalistic practice in an Anthropocene context. I am also engaged in several projects on Nordic media, and was previously a guest researcher at Uppsala University in Sweden.

How to Connect


Peer reviewed articles

Hinde, D: “Narrative Ethics, Media and the Morality of the Ecological Modern: The Case of Sweden. Ecocene 1 (2) (2021)

Hinde,D: “Something super-wicked this way comes: Genre, emergency, expectation and learning to die in climate change Scotland. Humanities, 8(1) (2019).

Hinde, D: “It’s Our Environment: Two Terms of SNP Environmental Policy Scottish Affairs 25 (1) (2016).

In Press:

Hinde, D: “The Entangled Transition: Reporting oil decline in Aberdeen, Scotland.” Geohumanities.

Books and Book Chapters

Hinde, D: “Journalism as eschatology: Kairos and reporting a materially changed world” in Brodker, H & Morris, H (eds.) Climate Change, Journalism and Time. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (2021)


Hinde, D: Journalism in the Anthropocene: Palgrave Studies in Environmental Communication. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (2021)