Ryan Katz-Rosene
University of Ottawa
Based in
North America
Ryan Katz-Rosene is an Associate Professor at the University of Ottawa’s School of Political Studies (with affiliation to the Institute of Environment), where he researches and teaches a range of topics relating to global ecological political economy and climate policy. At the university he helps coordinate the International Political Economy Network (IPEN), and serves as a co-host of The Ecopolitics Podcast. Off campus he serves as President of the Environmental Studies Association of Canada, on the Executive Editorial Board of the journal Studies in Political Economy; and as a founding editor of the Flying Less in Academia Resource Guide. Ryan also helps out on his family’s organic farm.
Katz-Rosene, R. and Szwarc, J. “Preparing for Collapse: The Concerning Rise of ‘Eco-Survivalism’,” Capitalism, Nature, Socialism. [Accepted for publication, January 2021]
Katz-Rosene, R. 2021 “‘Don’t Think of Fukushima!’: The Ethics of Risk Reframing in ‘Nuclear for Climate’ Communications,” Ethics, Policy and Environment. [Published Online January 2021]:
Katz-Rosene, R. and Martin, S., [Eds.]. 2020. “Green Meat? Sustaining Eaters, Animals, and the Planet“, Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press; 2020.
Katz-Rosene, R. 2020. “[Perspective] ‘Ditch Red Meat and Dairy, and Don’t Bother with Local Food’: The Problem with Universal Dietary Advice Aiming to Save the Planet (and Your Health),” Canadian Food Studies/ La Revue Canadienne des Études sur l’Alimentation. Vol. 7, No.2, (2020): pp. 5-19.
Katz-Rosene, R. 2020. “A Not-So-Green Choice? The High Carbon Footprint of Long-Distance Passenger Rail Travel in Canada,” Canadian Geographer, (Digital Preprint August 2020).
Katz-Rosene, R.; Bisson, C.; Paterson, M. 2020. “Teaching Students to Think Ecologically about the Global Political Economy,” Review of International Political Economy, (Published Online April 13, 2020).
Katz-Rosene, R. 2020. “Transforming Alberta: An Investment-Based Strategy for Combatting Western Alienation and Climate Change in Canada,” Studies in Political Economy. Vol. 101; No.1, 2020.
Katz-Rosene, R. and Paterson, M. 2018. “Thinking Ecologically about the Global Political Economy.” Oxford: Routledge. Part of the RIPE Series in Global Political Economy.
Katz-Rosene, R. 2018. “The Treatment of Global Environmental Change in the Study of International Political Economy: An Analysis of the Field’s Most Influential Survey Texts,” International Studies Review. Vol. 20.
Katz-Rosene, R. 2017. “From Narrative of Promise to Rhetoric of Sustainability: A Genealogy of ‘Oil Sands’,” Environmental Communication, Vol.11, No.3, p. 401-414.
Katz-Rosene, R. 2017. “To Build or Not to Build? Competing Narratives of High-Speed Rail Development in Canada,” Mobilities 12: 5, p. 758-777.