Tasha Fairfield
London School of Economics
Based in
United Kingdom
Tasha Fairfield is a comparative political scientist looking to apply expertise on business power, policy processes, and the politics of redistribution to the realm of climate change and environmental politics. Current research interests also include right-wing populist attacks on environmental protection agencies in the US and Latin America, and qualitative Bayesian meta-analysis to adjudicate debates in the politics of climate change, using the methodology developed in her forthcoming book, Social Inquiry and Bayesian Inference.
Tasha Fairfield and Andrew Charman. Forthcoming. “Social Inquiry and Bayesian Inference: Rethinking Qualitative Research.” Cambridge University Press, Strategies for Social Inquiry Series.
Tasha Fairfield and Andrew Charman. 2020. “Reliability of Inference: Analogs of Replication in Qualitative Research.” In The Production of Knowledge: Enhancing Progress in Social Science, Eds. Colin Elman, John Gerring, and James Mahoney. Cambridge University Press.
Tasha Fairfield and Andrew Charman. 2017. “Explicit Bayesian Analysis for Process Tracing.” Political Analysis 25 (3):363-380.
Tasha Fairfield and Candelaria Garay. 2017. “Redistribution under the Right in Latin America: Electoral Competition and Organized Actors in Policymaking.” Comparative Political Studies 50 (14): 1871–1906.
Tasha Fairfield. 2015. “Structural Power in Comparative Political Economy,” Business and Politics 17 (3): 411-442.
Tasha Fairfield. 2015. “Private Wealth and Public Revenue in Latin America: Business Power and Tax Politics.” New York: Cambridge University Press.
Tasha Fairfield. 2013. “Going Where the Money Is: Strategies for Taxing Economic Elites in Unequal Democracies.” World Development 47: 42-57.