Francesca Pia Vantaggiato
King's College London
Based in
United Kingdom
Francesca is a lecturer (Assistant Professor) in public policy at King’s College London, in England (UK). Her research agenda focuses on environmental governance, public policy and regulation. She studies how and why policy-makers and other stakeholders forge alliances to tackle change and uncertainty, and the benefits they derive from doing so.
Country(ies) of Specialty
United States United KingdomFocus areas of expertise
Climate policy and politics Behavioral action Public opinionPublications
Journal Articles
Vantaggiato, Francesca Pia, Lubell, Mark, and Hummel, Michelle. “Creating adaptive social-ecological fit: the role of regional actors in the governance of Sea-level Rise Adaptation in San Francisco Bay.” In: Global Environmental Change Revise & Resubmit.
Gmoser-Daskalakis, Kyra, […], and Vantaggiato, Francesca Pia. 2022c. “At Item Response Approach to Sea Level Rise Policy Preferences in a Nascent Subsystem.” In: Review of Policy Research In press.
Vantaggiato, F. and Lubell, M. (2022). “The benefits of specialized knowledge in polycentric governance.” Policy Studies Journal, forthcoming.
Vantaggiato, F. (2022). “From learning to influence: the evolution of collaboration in European Administrative Networks.” Journal of European Public Policy, forthcoming.
Vantaggiato, F. and Lubell, M. (2022). “Functional differentiation in governance networks for climate adaptation: sea level rise in the San Francisco Bay Area.” Social Networks, in press.
Vantaggiato, F, Connolly, S, Kassim, H. (2021). “Breaking out of silos: explaining cross-departmental interactions in two European bureaucracies.” Journal of European Public Policy, 28:9, 1432-1452.
Vantaggiato F, Kassim, H, Wright, K, (2021). “Internal network structures as opportunity structures: control and effectiveness in the European competition network.” Journal of European Public Policy, 28:4, 571-590.
Mantzari, D, Vantaggiato, F, (2020). “The Paradox of Regulatory Discretion.” Law & Policy, 42: 382– 403.
Vantaggiato, F. P. (2020). “Networks as First Best? Network Entrepreneurship and Venue Shifting in the Establishment of the Network of Euro–Mediterranean Energy Regulators.” JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 58: 654– 671.
Vantaggiato, F. (2020). “Regulatory relationships across levels of multilevel governance systems: From collaboration to competition.” Governance, 33, 173-189.
Vantaggiato, F. (2019). “Networking for resources: how regulators use networks to compensate for lower resources.” Journal of European Public Policy, 26(10), 1540-1559.
Vantaggiato, F. (2019). “The drivers of regulatory networking: policy learning between homophily and convergence.” Journal of Public Policy, 39(3), 443-464.
Book chapters [peer reviewed]
Vantaggiato, F, and De Francesco, F. (2022). “European Regulatory Networks.” In Elgar Encyclopedia of European Union Public Policy, edited by Tosun, J and P. Graziano, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Lubell, M., Hamilton, M., , Mewhirter, J, Vantaggiato, F., and Berardo, R., (2022) “The Ecology of Games.” In Methods of the Policy Process, edited by Weible, C. et al., London: Routledge.
Vantaggiato, F. (2015). “Euro-Mediterranean Energy Relations.” In Regulation and Investments in Energy Markets – Solutions for the Mediterranean, 1st Edition, Rubino A. et al (eds), Elsevier.
Vantaggiato, F. (2013). “Mechanisms and outcomes of the EU external energy policy: an alternative approach.” In Regional Energy Initiatives, Cambini C. and Rubino, A. (eds), Routledge.
Book reviews, Conference proceedings & Working papers
Vantaggiato, F. (2021). Review of the book by Henning Deters, Rowman, and Littlefield (2018). “The EU’s Green Dynamism: Deadlock and Change in Energy and Environmental Policy.” Journal of Common Market Studies.
Vantaggiato, F. (2019). Review of the book by Szulecki, Kacper (Ed.) and Palgrave (2018). “Energy Security in Europe: Divergent Perceptions and Policy Challenges.” Journal of Common Market Studies.
Deller D. and Vantaggiato, F. (2014). “Revisiting the Regulatory State: A Multidisciplinary Review Establishing a New Research Agenda.” CCP Working Papers, (14-9). University of East Anglia.
Gianfreda, A. and Vantaggiato, F. (2013). “European Energy Regulation: A survey analysis across electricity segments.” IEEEExplore.
Outreach publications/Policy reports
Meyer, C, Vantaggiato, F. and R. Youngs (2021). “Preparing CSDP for the new security environment created by climate change.” In-Depth Analysis for the European Parliament, King’s College London.
Vantaggiato, F. and Lubell, M. (2020). “Learning to collaborate: lessons learned from collaborative governance processes addressing sea level rise in transportation across California.” Center for Environmental Policy & Behavior, Institute for Transportation Studies, University of California – Davis.
Lubell, M, Vantaggiato, F, Bostic, D. (2019). “The Governance of Sea Level Rise in the San Francisco Bay Area: Results from a Survey of Stakeholders.” Center for Environmental Policy & Behavior, University of California – Davis.
Connolly, S, Kassim, H, Vantaggiato, F. (2017). “Understanding the EU Civil Service: The General Secretariat of the Council.” General Secretariat of the Council.
Doctoral Thesis
Vantaggiato, F. (2017). “Networks as levers: the emergence, functioning and export of transnational networks of energy regulators.” Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.
Policy Reports
Meyer, Christoph, Vantaggiato, Francesca Pia, and Youngs, Richard. 2021. Preparing the CSDP for the new security environment created by climate change. European Parliament.
Vantaggiato, Francesca Pia and Lubell, Mark. 2020. Learning to Collaborate: Lessons Learned from Governance Processes Addressing the Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Transportation Corridors Across California. University of California Institute of Transportation Studies.
Lubell, Mark, Vantaggiato, Francesca Pia, and Bostic, Darcy. 2019. The Governance of Sea Level Rise in the San Francisco Bay Area: Results from a Survey of Stakeholders. Center for Environmental Policy & Behavior.