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Saymore Ngonidzashe Kativu

The Nexus Think Tank, Zarawi Trust

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Saymore Ngonidzashe Kativu is a Zimbabwean hybrid leader (research, policy and development practice) focusing on rural social-ecological systems in Africa. His key interests are in the political ecology and economy, governmentalities, epistemologies and ontologies of extractive enclaves and agrarian societies. Kativu founded Zarawi Trust and the hybrid organization’s mother initiatives including The Nexus Think Tank, InquAfrika the rural business enterprise, CAFAI – a humanitarian initiative and YESALA, a youth network. He is also affiliated to the German Institute of Development and Sustainability as a PhD researcher (Sociology) studying Science Futures and agricultural knowledge systems in rural Africa growth corridors.

Country(ies) of Specialty

Tanzania Zambia Zimbabwe

Focus areas of expertise

Climate policy and politics Climate Justice Agriculture Indigenous studies

How to Connect



Steglich, Mirjam, et al.Agroecology and rural development.” (2022).
Kativu, Saymore Ngonidzashe (editor). “Mundane Existential Struggles in a Changing Climate” The Nexus Letters, Volume 01, Issue 01, The Nexus Think Tank at Zarawi Trust, e-published by Zarawi Trust, Harare, Zimbabwe

Kativu, Saymore Ngonidzashe, and
Patrik Oskarsson. “‘Our own law is making us beggars’: Understanding
experiences of governed, mine-side communities in Mutoko district,
Zimbabwe.” The Extractive industries and society 8.4 (2021): 101003.