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Noah Walker-Crawford

University College London

Based in

United Kingdom

Dr. Noah Walker-Crawford is a Research Fellow in Political Science at University College London. He is a publicly engaged researcher on climate litigation. His work focuses on the knowledges and notions of responsibility at stake in discussions about climate change. He researches climate litigation from a socio-legal and anthropological perspective, exploring how legal activism reframes climate politics. He holds a PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Manchester.

Country(ies) of Specialty

Germany Peru

Focus areas of expertise

Climate policy and politics Climate law and litigation Climate Justice Social movements

How to Connect



Walker-Crawford, N. (2023). Climate change in the courtroom: An anthropology of neighborly relations. Anthropological Theory, 21(1), 14634996221138338.

Kodiveri, A., Walker-Crawford, N., Bals, C., & Khan, H. (2023). The significance of climate litigation for the political debate on Loss & Damage. Bonn: Germanwatch.

Johansson, A., Calliari, E., Walker-Crawford, N., Hartz, F., McQuistan, C., & Vanhala, L. (2022). Evaluating progress on loss and damage: an assessment of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism under the UNFCCC. Climate Policy, 22(9-10), 1199-1212.

Walker-Crawford, N. (2021). The Moral Climate of Melting Glaciers: Andean Claims for Justice at the Paris Climate Change Summit. In P. Sillitoe (Ed.), The Anthroposcene of Weather and Climate: Ethnographic Contributions to the Climate Change Debate. Berghahn.

Huggel, C., Carey, M., Emmer, A., Frey, H., Walker-Crawford, N., & Wallimann-Helmer, I. (2020). Anthropogenic climate change and glacier lake outburst flood risk: local and global drivers and responsibilities for the case of lake Palcacocha, Peru. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 20(8), 2175-2193.

Motschmann, A., Huggel, C., Carey, M., Moulton, H., Walker-Crawford, N., & Muñoz, R. (2020). Losses and damages connected to glacier retreat in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru. Climatic Change.