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Clemens Kaupa

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Based in


I studied law and history at the University of Vienna and Harvard Law School. I work as an assistant professor of law at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, focusing on European law and climate law.

Country(ies) of Specialty

Austria Netherlands

Focus areas of expertise

Greenwashing Climate law and litigation Net Zero Fossil fuels

How to Connect



Kaupa, Clemens. “Promoting the apocalypse? The legality of a ban on fossil fuel advertising under European law” European Journal of Risk Regulation, 2023

Kaupa, Clemens. “Peddling false solutions to worried consumers: The promotion of greenhouse gas ‘offsetting’ as a misleading commercial practice” Journal of Consumer and Market Law, 2022

Kaupa, Clemens. “Scrutinizing net-zero: The legal problems of counting GHG emissions, removals and offsets together” Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law, 2022