Ingmar Lippert
Goethe University Frankfurt
Based in
How do the environment, the digital and the social meet? This question powers Ingmar Lippert’s research. He explores the situated politics at the heart of a “society” that wants to be simultaneously “digital” and “sustainable”. This prompts him to analyse the structures and nitty-gritty contingencies of power, knowledge, technology, science and sustainability. Ingmar specifically focuses on data practices and the politics of and within data – engaging in the overlapping empirical domains of the environment and technology. He asks questions about how human agents approach doing environments, doing data well; he analytically problematises how knowledges are shaped by (and in) both informational and environmental infrastructures.
Focus areas of expertise
Greenwashing Communications research Net Zero Climate policy and politicsPublications
Ahmed El-Sherbini, & Lippert, Ingmar. “From Energy Poverty to Vulnerability: A Discourse Analysis of the European Union’s National Energy and Climate Plans.” In Living with Energy Poverty: Perspectives from the Global North and South (forthcoming).
Ingmar Lippert, & Siddharth Sareen. “Alleviation of energy poverty through transitions to low-carbon energy infrastructure.” Energy Research & Social Science 100 (2023): 103087.
Ingmar Lippert. “Digitalisation as promissory infrastructure for sustainability.” In Elgar Handbook of Critical Environmental Politics, Edward Elgar (2022).
Siddharth Sareen, Harriet Thomson, Sergio Tirado-Herrero, João Pedro Gouveia, Ingmar Lippert & Aleksandra Lis. 2020. “European energy poverty metrics: Scales, prospects and limits,” Global Transitions (2020).
Ingmar Lippert. 2018. “On Not Muddling Lunches and Flights: Narrating a Number, Qualculation, and Ontologising Troubles.” In After Numbers? Science & Technology Studies (December 2018).
Ingmar Lippert. “Corporate carbon footprinting as techno-political practice.” In The Carbon Fix: Forest Carbon, Social Justice, and Environmental Governance, New York, London: Routledge (2016).
Ingmar Lippert. 2016. “Umwelt – “Version 2b”: Das Programmieren ökologischer Fehlentscheidungen und Grundlagen für eine neue Umweltpolitik,” Leviathan (2016).
Ingmar Lippert. 2016. “Failing the market, failing deliberative democracy: How scaling up corporate carbon reporting proliferates information asymmetries,” Big Data & Society (October 2016).
Ingmar Lippert. 2015. “Environment as Datascape: Enacting Emission Realities in Corporate Carbon Accounting.” In Environmental Management as Situated Practice, Geoforum (November 2015).
Ingmar Lippert. 2014. “Studying Reconfigurations of Discourse: Tracing the Stability and Materiality of “Sustainability/Carbon,”” Journal for Discourse Studies — Zeitschrift für Diskursforschung (2014).
Ingmar Lippert. 2014. “Latour’s Gaia – Not down to Earth? Social Studies of Environmental Management for Grounded Understandings of the Politics of Human-Nature Relationships.” In Yearbook 2012 of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society, Wien and München: Profil (2014).
Arno Simons, Aleksandra Lis, & Ingmar Lippert. 2014. “The political duality of scale-making in environmental markets,” Environmental Politics (March 2014).
Ingmar Lippert. 2012. “Carbon Classified? Unpacking Heterogeneous Relations Inscribed Into Corporate Carbon Emission,” Ephemera (2012).
Ingmar Lippert. 2011. “Extended Carbon Cognition as a Machine,” Computational Culture (2011).