Logo for Climate Social Science Network (CSSN)

Job Board

Postdoctoral Researcher

Uppsala University

Uppsala, Sweden
    • Full Time
    • Academia / Education
    • Government

Application Deadline

May 17, 2024

We are looking for a 2-year postdoctoral researcher whose primary task (80%) is to conduct research within our country-comparative project “Do welfare systems shape public support for climate action? The project will investigate whether and how welfare initiatives affect the public’s attitudes towards carbon taxes in some of the world’s largest emitting nations, mainly outside of Europe. The tasks include working with the research group on theory and concept development for country-comparative analyses of the interaction between climate and welfare policy in countries outside Europe. A main task is to develop new policy indicators and to collect and analyze data from the various country contexts researched by the project. In addition, designing and conducting country-comparative survey experiments, as well as writing scientific articles, are part of the responsibilities. The postdoc will join a research group led by Professor Joakim Palme and is expected to participate in the group’s activities, e.g., research seminars and conferences. Teaching (maximum 20% of full-time) is typically included in the job duties.