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Aden K Stern

Northern Arizona University

Based in

United States
North America

Stern is currently a Ph.D. student studying Earth Sciences and Environmental Sustainability at Northern Arizona University. He is actively working as a GA for the NOAA-funded project “Projecting Socio-Ecological Impacts of Drought in Southwestern Ecosystems to Prioritize Restoration Initiatives” alongside Dr. Diana Stuart. In June 2023, he graduated from the University of Denver – Josef Korbel School of International Studies with a Master’s degree in Global Environmental Sustainability (Specializing in Environmental Policy and Environmental Justice). In Denver, he conducted research for a project called “Assessing Environmental Justice Contributions in Research and Public Policy: An Applied Framework and Methodology.” In 2021, he earned his Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Political Science from the University of Colorado-Boulder.

Country(ies) of Specialty

United States

Focus areas of expertise

Climate policy and politics Climate Justice Social movements

How to Connect



Méndez-Barrientos, L.E., Shah, S., Roque, A., MacClements, V., Stern, A. K., (2024). “Assessing Environmental Justice Contributions in Research and Public Policy: An Applied Framework and Methodology.” Environmental Policy and Planning. https://doi.org/10.1080/1523908X.2024.2321183

Abdelkader, E., Abel, R. Baker, N., Stern, A., et al., (2023). “City of Flagstaff Equity Atlas” (2023) The City of Flagstaff’s Climate Equity Plan. Northern Arizona University. https://arcg.is/1bLSij