Alexander Ruser
University of Agder
Based in
Alex is professor of sociology and director of the Centre for Digital Transformation (CeDiT) at the University of Agder (UiA) in Kristiansand, Norway. Alex holds a PhD in political sociology from the Max-Weber-Institute of Sociology at Heidelberg University and has been a Dahrendorf Fellow at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin and the London School of Economics and Political Science. His research focuses on the role of scientific expertise on climate politics and the emergence of hybrid networks in environmental communication. Current research projects track social networks and online communication strategies of climate change deniers in Germany and Norway.

Country(ies) of Specialty
NorwayFocus areas of expertise
Climate policy and politicsPublications
Thematic Publications
Ruser, Alexander (2022). En finir avec le consensus climatique : le rôle des think tanks dans l’émergence tardive du réseau climatosceptique en Allemagne. Politique et Sociétés. ISSN: 1203-9438. 41 (3). s 105 – 127. doi:10.7202/1089851ar.
Ruser, Alexander; Fähnrich, Birte (2022). Environmental Communication and Policy Makers. The Handbook of International Trends in Environmental Communication. ISBN: 9780367275211. Routledge. Chapter 19. s 323 – 338.
Ruser, Alexander (2022). The Sceptic who came in from the cold? The Formation of a climate sceptic alliance in Germany. Civil Society: Concepts, Challenges, Contexts. ISBN: 978-3-030-98007-8. Springer.
Ruser, Alexander (2021). Hijacking the Postmodern Project: Post-Truth and the Need to De-politicize Epistemological Dispute. Social Epistemology. ISSN: 0269-1728. s 1 – 10. doi:10.1080/02691728.2021.2004621.
Ruser, Alexander (2021). How to be an inconvenient Scientist? A Reply to Berry Tholen. Social Epistemology Review and reply Collective. ISSN: 2471-9560. 10 (2). s 7 – 13.
Ruser, Alexander (2021). Knowledge as world capital: Global Knowledge. Knowledge for the Anthropocene. A Multidisciplinary Approach. ISBN: 978 1 80088 428 1. Edward Elgar Publishing. Chapter 19. s 240 – 248.
Ruser, Alexander (2021). Widening the gap: US think tanks and the manufactured chasm between scientific expertise and common sense on climate change. Critical Perspectives on Think Tanks. Power, Politics and Knowledge. ISBN: 9781789909227. Edward Elgar Publishing. Chapter 11. s 195 – 214.
Ruser, Alexander (2021). Wissenstransfer. Handbuch Transdisziplinäre Didaktik. ISBN: 9783837655650. Transcript Verlag. Chapter 34. s 407 – 418.
Ruser, Alexander (2020). A Mission for MARS: The Success of Climate Change Skeptic Rhetoric in the US. Res Rhetorica. ISSN: 2392-3113. 7 (2). s 47 – 63. doi:10.29107/RR2020.2.4.
Ruser, Alexander (2020). Radikale Konformität und konforme Radikalität? Fridays for Future und Ende Gelände. Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen. ISSN: 0933-9361. 33 (4). s 801 – 814. doi:, Alexander (2020).
The revolutions postponed: scientific evidence, dominant ideologies and the defenders of status quo. The Digital Scholar: Philosophers Lab. ISSN: 2618-9267. 2020 (2). s 59 – 74. doi:10.5840/dspl20203217.
Ruser, Alexander (2020). “Are You Looking for Trouble? A Reply to Mark Erickson’s ‘Afterword”. Social Epistemology Review and reply Collective. ISSN: 2471-9560. 9 (6). s 40 – 44.
Ruser, Alexander; Machin, Amanda Margaret (2019). Against Political Compromise- Sustaining Democratic Debate. ISBN: 0367901315. Routledge Focus.
Machin, Amanda Margaret; Ruser, Alexander (2019). What Counts in the Politics of Climate Change? Science, Scepticism and Emblematic Numbers. ISBN: 9783030112080. Palgrave Macmillan.
Machin, Amanda; Ruser, Alexander (2019). Corporealising a Healthy Democracy? Inequality, Bodies and Participation. Representation. ISSN: 0034-4893. 57 (2). s 209 – 224. doi:10.1080/00344893.2019.1674912.
Ruser, Alexander (2019). From Gamble to Conformity? Academic Careers,Ethical Neutrality and the Role of ‘Professional’ Social Sciences. Social Epistemology. ISSN: 0269-1728. s 1 – 12. doi:10.1080/02691728.2019.1695011.
Ruser, Alexander; Stehr, Nico (2018). Climate Change, Governance and Knowledge. Institutional Capacity for Climate Change Response: A New Approach to Climate Politics. ISBN: 9781138120983. Routledge. Chapter 1. s 15 – 31.
Ruser, Alexander (2018). Climate Politics and the Impact of Think Tanks. Scientific Expertise in Germany and the US. ISBN: 978-3-319-75749-0. Palgrave Macmillan.
Ruser, Alexander (2018). Experts and Science and Politics. The Sage Handbook in Political Sociology. ISBN: 9781473919464. Sage Publications. Chapter 43. s 767 – 780.
Ruser, Alexander; Stehr, Nico (2018). Knowledge Society, Knowledge Economy and Knowledge Democracy. Handbook of Cyber-Development, Cyber-Democracy, and Cyber-Defense. ISBN: 978-3319090689. Springer Nature. Chapter 1. s 1 – 20.
Ruser, Alexander (2018). Nico Stehr, Sociology, Knowledge and the Sociology of Knowledge: An Introduction. Nico Stehr: Pioneer in the Theory of Society and Knowledge. ISBN: 978-3-319-76994-3. Springer. Chapter 2. s 7 – 16.
Ruser, Alexander (2018). What to Think About Think Tanks: Towards a Conceptual Framework of Strategic Think Tank Behaviour. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society. ISSN: 0891-4486. 31s 179 – 192. doi:10.1007/s10767-018-9278-x.
Ruser, Alexander (2017). Der (in)diskrete Charme der Technokratie. Wirtschaftskrisen, Staatskrisen und die Entdemokratisierung von Entscheidungsstrukturen. Komplexe Freiheit: Wie ist Demokratie möglich?. ISBN: 978-3658149680. Springer. Chapter 9. s 203 – 218.
Ruser, Alexander; Stehr, Nico (2017). Social scientists as technicians, advisors and meaning producers. Innovation. The European Journal of Social Sciences. ISSN: 1351-1610. 30 (1). s 24 – 35. doi:10.1080/13511610.2016.1207505.
Ruser, Alexander (2016). Towards the Unity of Science Again? Reductionist thinking and its consequences for a social philosophy of science. Epistemology & Philosophy of Science. ISSN: 1811-833X. 49 (3). s 55 – 69. doi:10.5840/eps201649351.
Ruser, Alexander (2015). By the Markets, of the Markets, for the Markets? Technocratic Decision Making and the Hollowing Out of Democracy. Global Policy. ISSN: 1758-5880. 6s 83 – 92. doi:10.1111/1758-5899.12231.
Ruser, Alexander (2013). Environmental Think Tanks in Japan and South Korea: Trailblazers or Vicarious Agents. Nature, Environment and Culture in East Asia. The Challenge of Climate Change. ISBN: 978-90-04-25304-9. Brill Academic Publishers. Chapter 13. s 319 – 351.