Angela V. Carter
University of Waterloo
Based in
North America
Angela V. Carter has researched environmental politics in Canada’s major oil producing provinces: Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Her new book, Fossilized, examines how these jurisdictions undermined environmental policies while boosting extreme oil extraction. Angela is now extending this research via an international comparative project on supply-side climate policy, focused on identifying political-economic and cultural conditions fostering “keep it in the ground” legislation.

Angela Carter. 2020. “Fossilized: Environmental Policy in Canada’s Petro-Provinces,” Vancouver: UBC Press (October 2020).
Yonatan Strauch, Angela Carter, & Thomas Homer-Dixon. 2020. “However the Pandemic Unfolds, It’s Time for Oil Use to Peak—and Society to Prepare for the Fallout,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (September 2020).
Angela Carter & Janetta McKenzie. 2020. “Amplifying ‘Keep It in the Ground’ First-Movers: Toward a Comparative Framework,” Society and Natural Resources (June 2020).
Yonatan Strauch, Truzaar Dordi, & Angela Carter. 2020. “Constraining Fossil Fuels based on 2°C Carbon Budgets: The Rapid Adoption of a Transformative Concept in Politics and Finance,” Climatic Change (April 2020).
Angela Carter. 2018. “Policy Pathways to Carbon Entrenchment: Responses to the Climate Crisis in Canada’s Petro-Provinces,” Studies in Political Economy (September 2018).
Angela Carter, Gail Fraser, & Anna Zalik. 2017. “Environmental Policy Convergence in Canada’s Fossil Fuel Provinces?” Canadian Public Policy / Analyse de politiques(February 2017).
Angela Carter & Emily Eaton. 2016. “Subnational Responses to Fracking in Canada: Explaining Saskatchewan’s ‘Wild West’ Regulatory Approach,” Review of Policy Research (July 2016).
Angela Carter & Anna Zalik. 2016. “Fossil Capitalism and the Rentier State.” In First World Petro-Politics, Toronto: University of Toronto Press (May 2016).
Randy Haluza-DeLay & Angela Carter. 2016. “Social Movements Scaling Up.” In First World Petro-Politics, Toronto: University of Toronto Press (May 2016).
Angela Carter. 2016. “The Petro-Politics of Environmental Regulation in the Tar Sands.” In First World Petro-Politics, Toronto: University of Toronto Press (May 2016).
Angela Carter. 2014. “Petro-Capitalism and the Tar Sands.” In A Line in the Tar Sands: Struggles for Environmental Justice, Between the Lines Press, Toronto (October 2014).