Antto Vihma
Finnish Institute of International Affairs
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Antto Vihma works as a Research Professor at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs. He is the PI in an Academy of Finland funded project TRANSCLIM (2020–2024), which studies transparency in global climate governance. His research has centered on International Relations and political theory. Vihma has also published several cited policy briefs and articles intended for the general public. In 2012-2016, he was writer/editor for the Earth Negotiations Bulletin (IISD).

Antto Vihma, Gunilla Reischl & Astrid Andersen. 2021. “Climate Backlash? Comparing the populist parties’ climate policies in Denmark, Finland and Sweden”, Journal of Environment & Development (2021).
Antto Vihma. 2019. “What’s next for UN Climate Negotiations? The UNFCCC in the era of populism and multipolar competition”, FIIA Briefing Paper (2019).
Antto Vihma. 2018. “Geoeconomic Analysis and the Limits of Critical Geopolitics”, Geopolitics (2018).
Michael Mehling & Antto Vihma. 2017. “Mourning for America: Donald Trump’s Climate Change Policy”, FIIA Analysis (2017).
Timo Pankakoski & Antto Vihma. 2017. “Fragmentation in International Law and Global Governance: A Conceptual Inquiry”, Contributions to the History of Concepts (2017).
Michele Betsill, Navroz Dubash, Matthew Paterson, Harro van Asselt, Antto Vihma & Harald Winkler. 2015. “Building Productive Links between the UNFCCC and the Broader Climate Governance Landscape”, Global Environmental Politics (2015)
Antto Vihma. 2015. “Climate of Consensus: Managing decision-making in the UN climate negotiations”, Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law (2015)
Antto Vihma. 2013. ”Analyzing Hard Law and Soft Law in Climate Change”, in Climate Change and the Law (Berlin: Springer 2013).
Antto Vihma, Yacob Mulugetta & Sylvia Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen. 2011. ”Negotiating Solidarity? The G77 through the Prism of Climate Change Negotiations”, Global Change, Peace & Security (2011).
Antto Vihma. 2011. ”India and the Global Climate Governance: Between Principles and Pragmatism”, Journal of Environment & Development (2011).