Brian Petersen
Northern Arizona University
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United States
Brian Petersen is an associate professor in Geography, Planning and Recreation at Northern Arizona University. He received his PhD in Environmental Studies at the University of California Santa Cruz. Brian’s research focuses broadly on the social dimensions of climate change. He recently co-authored a book with Diana Stuart and Ryan Gunderson called Climate Change Solutions: Overcoming the Capital-Climate Contradiction.

Stuart D, Petersen B, Gunderson R. 2022. “Articulating system change to effectively and justly address the climate crisis” Globalizations. August 31, 2022.
Stuart D, Petersen B, Gunderson R. 2021. “Shared pretenses for collective inaction: the economic growth imperative, COVID-19, and climate change,” Globalizations. July 6, 2021:1-18.
Diana Stuart, Ryan Gunderson, & Brian Petersen. 2020. “Climate Change Solutions: Beyond Capital-Climate Contradiction,” University of Michigan Press (July 2020).
Diana Stuart, Ryan Gunderson, & Brian Petersen. 2020. “The climate crisis as a catalyst for emancipatory transformation: An examination of the possible,” International Sociology (May 2020).
Diana Stuart, Ryan Gunderson, & Brian Petersen. 2020. “Carbon geoengineering and the metabolic rift: Solution or social reproduction?” Critical Sociology (February 2020).
Brian Petersen, Diana Stuart, & Ryan Gunderson. 2019. “Reconceptualizing climate change denial: how new forms of ideological denialism misdiagnose climate change and limit effective action,” Human Ecology Review (December 2019).
Ryan Gunderson, Brian Petersen, & Diana Stuart. 2018. “A critical examination of geoengineering: economic and technological rationality in social context,” Sustainability (January 2018).