Bruno Takahashi
Michigan State University
Based in
United States
North America
Bruno Takahashi is the Brandt associate professor of environmental communication at Michigan State University with a joint appointment in the School of Journalism and AgBioResearch. Dr. Takahashi is the research director of the Knight Center for Environmental Journalism. He received his bachelor’s degree in communication from the University of Lima, Peru, and his M.S. and Ph.D. in environmental science from SUNY ESF. His research interests include media coverage of environmental affairs, environmental journalism practices, and science communication. He has a particular interest in the coverage of environmental issues in Latin America media and US Latino media.

Peer-reviewed academic publications
Takahashi, B., Zhang, Q., Chavez, M., & Nieves, Y. (Accepted). “Touch in disaster reporting: Television coverage before Hurricane Maria.” Journalism Studies
Plasencia, J., Ellithorpe, M., Dorrance-Hall, E., Takahashi, B., Chavez, M., Zeldes, G. (Accepted). “Family and cultural perceptions about meat consumption among Hispanic and White adults in the United States.” Ecology of Food and Nutrition.
Ellithorpe, M., Dorrance-Hall, E., Takahashi, B., Plasencia, J., Chavez, M., Zeldes, G., Bleakley, A., & Hennessy, M. (Accepted). “I’m Lovin’ it: How fast-food advertising influences meat-eating preferences.” Journal of Health Communication.
Van Witsen, A. & Takahashi, B. (2021). “How science journalists verify numbers and statistics in news stories: Towards a theory.” Journalism Practice, 1-20.
Duan, R., Zwickle, A. K., Takahashi, B. (2021). “Refining the application of construal level theory: Egocentric and nonegocentric psychological distances in climate change visual communication.” Environmental Communication.
Hautea, S., Parks, P., Takahashi, B., & Zeng, J. (2021). “Showing they care (or don’t): Affective publics and ambivalent climate activism on TikTok.” Social Media + Society.
Duan, R., Takahashi, B., & Zwickle, A. K. (2021). “How engaging are concrete images? The moderating role of construal level in climate change visual communication.” Science Communication.
Camacho, K., Portelli, R. A., Shortridge, A. M., Takahashi, B. (2021). “Sentiment mapping: Point pattern analysis of sentiment classified Twitter data.” Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 48(3), 241-257.
Albert, L. & Takahashi, B. (2021). “Emergency communications policies in Puerto Rico: Regulatory institutions and stakeholders’ interaction during Hurricane Maria.” Telecommunications Policy, 45(3).
Dorrance Hall, E., Ma, M., Azimova, D., Campbell, N. L., Ellithorpe, M., Plasencia, J., Chavez, M, Zeldes, G., Takahashi, B., Bleakley, A., Hennessy, M. (2021). “The mediating role of family and cultural food beliefs on the relationship between family communication patterns and diet and health issues across racial/ethnic groups.” Health Communication, 36(5), 593-605.
Takahashi, B., Adams, E., & Nissen, J. (2020). “The Flint water crisis: Local reporting, community attachment, and environmental justice.” Local Environment, 25(5), 365-380.
Takahashi, B., Zhang, Q., Chavez, M. (2020). “Preparing for the worst: Lessons for news media after Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico.” Journalism Practice. 14(9), 1106-1124.
Viteri, F. & Takahashi, B. (2020). “Use of learning frames in climate change communication: A study of organizations in Latin America.” International Communication Gazette. 82(8), 726-748.
Pavloski, E., Triezenberg, H., Takahashi, B., & Taylor, W. (2019). “Using risk perceptions to develop effective Great Lakes aquatic invasive species outreach.” Journal of Extension, 7(5).
Duan, R., Takahashi, B., & Zwickle, A. (2019). “Abstract or concrete? The effect of climate change images on people’s estimation of egocentric psychological distance.” Public Understanding of Science, 28(7), 828-844.
Nieves, Y., Takahashi, B., & Chavez, M. (2019). “When everything else fails: Radio journalism during Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico.” Journalism Practice, 13(7), 799-816.
Freedman, E., Neuzil, M., Takahashi, B. & and Carmichael, C. (2018). “Western press coverage of environmental controversies in the Caucasus: Filling the news and information gap?” Caucasus Journal of Social Sciences, 11(1), 87-103
Manuschevich, D., Takahashi, B., Ramirez-Pascualli, C. A., & Nieves-Pizarro, Y. (2019). “Of Catholicism, forest, and management: An analysis of imaginaries in the discussion of the Native Forest Law in Chile.” Environmental Communication, 13(2), 165-178.
Nieves, Y., Takahashi, B., & Chavez, M. (2018). “La radio y sus oyentes durante el huracán María: un reexamen de la relación medio-audiencia en situaciones de desastres.” Intersecciones Vol. 2.
Van Witsen A. & Takahashi, B. (2018). “Knowledge based journalism in environmental and science reporting.” Environmental Communication (12)6, 717-730.
Takahashi, B. & Parks, P. (2018). “Evaluation of an environmental journalism Master’s program: An application of knowledge-based journalism principles.” Frontiers in Environmental and Science Communication (5), 94.
Tandoc, E., Takahashi, B., and Thomas, R. (2018). “Fox News’ coverage of Pope Francis’ encyclical on climate change.” Journalism Practice. (12), 7, 834-849.
Takahashi, B., Duan, R., and Van Witsen, A. (2018). “Hispanics’ behavioral intentions toward energy conservation: The role of socio-demographic, informational, and attitudinal variables.” Social Science Quarterly (99)1, 341-361.
Lertpratchya, A., Zwickle, A., Besley, J., Takahashi, B, & Whitley, C. (2017). “Assessing college as a channel for environmental communication.” International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (18)7, 1060-1075.
Takahashi, B., Tandoc, E., Nieves Pizarro, Y. (2017). “Barreras en la comunicación durante situaciones de crisis: Lecciones de tres estudios sobre el tifón Haiyan en Filipinas.” Disertaciones. 10(2), 104-119.
Duan, R., Zwickle, A., & Takahashi, B. (2017). “Abstract or concrete? A construal-level perspective of climate change images in U.S. print newspapers.” Climatic Change. 142(3), 345-360.
Takahashi, B., Terracina, C., Amann, K., and Meisner, M. (2017). “Policy, economic themes dominate ethanol headlines.” Newspaper Research Journal. 38(1), 119–133.
Duan, R., & Takahashi, B. (2017). “The two-way flow of news: A comparative study of American and Chinese newspaper coverage of Beijing’s air pollution.” International Communication Gazette. 79(1), 83-107.
Takahashi, B., Huang, K., Fico, F., & Poulson, D. (2017). “Climate change reporting in Great Lakes region newspapers: A comparative study of the use of expert sources.” Environmental Communication. 11(1), 106-121.
Takahashi, B., Tandoc, E. C., Duan, R., & Van Witsen A. (2017). “Revisiting environmental citizenship: The role of information capital and media use.” Environment & Behavior, 49(2), 111-135. doi:10.1177/0013916515620892.
Tandoc, E. & Takahashi, B. (2016). “Log in if you survived: Collective coping on social media in the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.” New Media and Society.
Tandoc, E. & Takahashi, B. (2016). “Journalists are humans, too: A phenomenology of covering the strongest storm on earth.” Journalism: Theory Practice & Criticism.
Whitley, C., Takahashi, B., Zwickle, A., Besley, J., & Lertpratchya, A. (2016). “Sustainability behaviors among college students: An application of the VBN theory.” Environmental Education Research.
Takahashi, B., Burnham, M., Terracina, C., Sopchak, A., Selfa, T. (2016). “Climate change perceptions of NY state farmers: The role of risk perceptions and adaptive capacity.” Environmental Management, 58(6), 946-957.
Carpenter, S., Takahashi, B., Lertpratchya, A., and Cunningham, C. (2016). “Greening the campus: A theoretical extension of the dialogic communication approach.” International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 17(4), 520–539.
Carpenter, S., Takahashi, B., Cunningham, C., & Lertpratchya, A. (2016). “Higher education and public communication campaigns: The role of social media in promoting sustainability.” International Journal of Communication, 10, 4863–4881.
Takahashi, B. and Tandoc, E. C. (2016). “Media sources, credibility, and perceptions of science: Learning about how people learn about science.” Public Understanding of Science. 25(6), 674-690. doi: 10.1177/0963662515574986.
Parks, P. & Takahashi, B. (2016). “From apes to whistleblowers: How scientists inform, defend, and excite in newspaper op-eds.” Science Communication, 38(3), 275–302. doi: 1075547016642240.
Takahashi, B., Pinto, J., Vigon, M, and Chavez, M. (2015). “El ambiente y las noticias: Understanding U.S. Spanish-language newsrooms’ coverage of environmental issues.” International Journal of Hispanic Media, 8, 2-14.
Takahashi, B., Tandoc, E. C., & Carmichael, C. (2015). “Communicating on Twitter during a disaster: An analysis of tweets during Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.” Computers in Human Behavior, 50, 392-398.
Takahashi, B., & Selfa, T. (2015). “Predictors of pro-environmental behavior in rural American communities.” Environment and Behavior, 47(8), 856-876.
Takahashi, B., Edwards, G., Roberts, J. T., & Duan, R. (2015). “Exploring the use of online platforms for climate change policy and public engagement by NGOs in Latin America.” Environmental Communication, 9(2), 228-247.
Tandoc, E. C. and Takahashi, B. (2014). “The changing nature of environmental discourse: An exploratory comparison of environmental journalists and bloggers.” Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies, 3(3), 405-424.
Tandoc, E. C. and Takahashi, B. (2014). “Playing a crusader role or just playing by the rules? Role conceptions and role inconsistencies among environmental journalists.” Journalism: Theory, Practice, and Criticism, 15(7), 889-907.
Takahashi, B. and Tandoc, E. C. (2013). “Learning in the beat: What influences environmental journalists’ perception of knowledge?” Applied Environmental Education and Communication, 12 (4), 244-253.
Takahashi, B. (2013). “La influencia de las agencias internacionales de noticias en la cobertura del cambio climático: Un estudio de caso del Perú.” Razón y Palabra, 84 (September-November, 2013)
Takahashi, B. and Meisner, M. (2013). “Agenda setting and issue definition at the micro level: Giving climate change a voice in the Peruvian congress.” Latin American Policy, 4(2), 377-394.
Meisner, M., and Takahashi, B. (2013). “The nature of Time: How the covers of the world’s most widely read weekly news magazine visualize environmental affairs.” Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture, 7(2), 255-276.
Tandoc, E. and Takahashi, B. (2013). “The complex road to happiness: The influence of human development, a healthy environment and a free press.” Social Indicators Research, 113(1), 537-550.
Takahashi, B. and Meisner, M. (2013). “Climate change in Peruvian newspapers: The role of foreign voices in a context of vulnerability.” Public Understanding of Science, 22(4), 427-442.
Takahashi, B. and Meisner, M. (2012). “Environmental discourses and discourse coalitions in the reconfiguration of Peru’s environmental governance.” Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture, 6(3), 346-364.
Takahashi, B. and Meisner, M. (2011). “Comparing influences on Peruvian climate change policy: Information, knowledge, and concern among political elites.” Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 40(3), 177-198.
Takahashi, B. (2011). “Framing and sources: A study of mass media coverage of climate change in Peru during the V ALCUE.” Public Understanding of Science 20(4), 543-557.
Takahashi, B. (2009). “Social marketing for the environment: An assessment of theory and practice.” Applied Environmental Education and Communication, 8(2), 135-145.
Takahashi, B. (2008). “Framing climate change: A comparative analysis of a US and a Canadian newspaper.” International Journal of Sustainability Communication, 3, 152-170.
Book chapters
Takahashi, B. (2022). News media coverage of environmental hazards. In McGee, T. and Penning-Roswell, E. (Eds.) “Handbook of Environmental Hazards and Society.” Forthcoming.
Takahashi, B., Duan, R., Joshi, A., Van Witsen, A., Li, W. (2021). “Covering the environment beat: A systematic review of research on news media coverage of the environment.” In Takahashi, B., Metag, J., Thaker, J., Evans Comfort, S. (Eds.). “ICA Handbook of international trends in environmental communication.” Routledge.
Takahashi, B., Metag, J., Thaker, J., Evans Comfort, S. (2021). “Expanding conceptualizations of environmental Communication research.” In Takahashi, B., Metag, J., Thaker, J., Evans Comfort, S. (Eds.). “ICA Handbook of international trends in environmental communication.” Routledge.
Neuzil, M., Freedman, E., Takahashi, B., & Habrel, K.(2019). “From prof(Essional) to prof(Essor): Best practices for transitioning from environmental journalism and environmental communication to academia.” In. Wu, W. & Alan, S. (Eds.). “Research Highlights in Education and Science 2019.” ISRES Publishing.
Takahashi, B. & Rosenthal, S. (2018). Introduction. In Takahashi, B. & Rosenthal, S. (Eds). “Environmental communication among minority populations.” Routledge Focus Series.
Takahashi, B., Pinto, J., Vigon, M., & Chavez, M. (2018). “Challenges in the reporting of environmental issues in Latin America and the Caribbean.” In Takahashi, B., Pinto, J., Chavez, M. & Vigon, M. (Eds.) “News Media Coverage of Environmental Challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean.” Palgrave.
Willer, H. & Takahashi, B. (2018). “The challenges for environmental reporting in Peru: Coverage of Small-Scale Mining in Peruvian Newspapers.” In Takahashi, B., Pinto, J., Chavez, M. & Vigon, M. (Eds.) “News Media Coverage of Environmental Challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean.” Palgrave.
Pinto, J., Vigon, M., Chavez, M., & Takahashi, B. (2018). “The Future of Environmental Communication and Journalism in Latin America and the Caribbean.” In Takahashi, B., Pinto, J., Chavez, M. & Vigon, M. (Eds.) “News Media Coverage of Environmental Challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean.” Palgrave.
Takahashi, B., Joshi, A., Duan, R., Van Witsen, A., & Freedman, E. (2017). “Societal attitudes towards extinction and endangered species: The passenger pigeon in editorials and opinion pieces.” In Freedman, E. and Neuzil, M. (Eds.) “Biodiversity, Conservation and Environmental Management in the Great Lakes Basin.” New York, NY: Routledge.
Takahashi, B. & Martinez, A. (2017). “Climate change communication in Peru.” In Nisbet, M. (Ed.) “Oxford Encyclopedia of Climate Change Communication.” Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Takahashi, B. and Pinto, J. (2016) “Climate change and Hispanics/Latinos in the U.S.: An exploration of public perceptions and media issues.” In Godfrey, P & D. Torres (Eds.) “World Turning Vol I-Systemic Crises of Global Climate Change: Intersections of Race, Class and Gender.” (pp. 107-119). New York, NY: Routledge.
Takahashi, B. and Tandoc, E. C. (2016) “Usos de los medios sociales en riesgos y crisis ambientales.” In M. Mercado & M. Chavez (Eds.) “Estrategias de comunicación en situaciones de riesgo y crisis.” Tirant lo Blanc, Valencia.
Freedman, E., Neuzil, M, Takahashi, B., and Carmichael, C. (2015) “Western news coverage of environmental issues in post-Soviet Central Asia.” In E. Freedman & M. Neuzil (Eds.) “Environmental Crises in Central Asia.” (pp. 101-114) New York, NY: Routledge.
Takahashi, B. and Meisner, M. (2014). “Re-examining the media-policy link: Climate change and government elites in Peru.” In D. Crow & M. Boykoff (Eds.) “Culture, Politics and Climate Change: How Information Shapes Our Common Future” (pp. 102-120). New York, NY: Routledge Earthscan.
Edited books
Takahashi, B., Metag, J., Thaker, J., Evans Comfort, S. (Eds.) (2021). “Handbook of international trends in environmental communication.” ICA Handbook Series. Routledge.
Takahashi, B. & Rosenthal, S. (Eds.) (2018). “Environmental communication among minority populations.” Routledge Focus Series.
Takahashi, B., Pinto, J., Chavez, M. & Vigon, M. (Eds.) (2018). “News media coverage of environmental challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean.” Palgrave.
Other publications
Takahashi, B., (2020). “Conferencias académicas y la emergencia climática.” In “Anuario de viajes: Tendencias del sector turístico jóvenes, redes sociales y nuevas formas de viajar.”
Takahashi, B., Nieves, Y., & Chavez, M. (2018). “Radio practices and their impacts during Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico.” Natural Hazards Center.
Takahashi, B., (2017). “La importancia de la investigación en comunicación en el contexto de riesgos y desastres naturales.” Boletín Técnico del Instituto Geofísico del Perú.
Atkinson, L. & Takahashi, B., and Katz-Kimchi, M. (2016). “Introduction to Special Section on Climate and Sustainability Communication Campaigns.” International Journal of Communication, 10, 4731–4735.
Duan R. & Takahashi, B. (2015). “Is China’s environmental reporting changing?” China Policy Institute Blog. November 18.
Takahashi, B. & Tandoc, E. C. (2014) “Social media use in the face of disaster: An exploration of communication practices among stakeholders affected by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.” Quick Response Grant Report series; 251.
Takahashi, B. (2012). Lima. “Encyclopedia of Sustainability: The Americas and Oceania: Assessing Sustainability” (pp.134-136). Berkshire Publishing.
Takahashi, B. (2012). “A Review of “Social marketing to protect the environment: What works, by Doug McKenzie-Mohr, Nancy Lee, P. Wesley Schultz, and Philip Kotler”. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 11(1), 55-56.
Takahashi, B. (2012). Peru. In S. George Philander (Ed.) “Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change.” (2nd ed., pp. 1099-1101). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.