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Catherine Cherry

Cardiff University

Based in

United Kingdom

I am an environmental social scientist with an interdisciplinary background that cuts across social and environmental science disciplines. My research has two core strands: 1) public participation and visioning for a low-carbon future, and 2) climate/net-zero discourses (in policy and media) and how they interact with public perceptions. Methodologically, I am a qualitative researcher, using participatory, anticipatory and place-based methods to engage publics with these issues and their implications for everyday life. I have a strong focus on policy impact and the main motivation for my work is to give diverse publics a greater voice in climate policy making at both a national and local level.

Country(ies) of Specialty

United Kingdom

Focus areas of expertise

Climate policy and politics Communications research Behavioral action Public opinion

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Cherry, Catherine. “Exploring Discourses of Decarbonisation: The Social Construction of Low Carbon Housing.” Cardiff University, 2015.

Cherry, Catherine et al. “Citizens’ Climate Assemblies: Understanding Public Deliberation for Climate Policy.” 2021.

Cherry, Catherine E and Nick F Pidgeon. “Is Sharing the Solution? Exploring Public Acceptability of the Sharing Economy.” Journal of cleaner production, vol. 195, 2018, pp. 939-48.

Cherry, Catherine E and Nick F Pidgeon. “Why Is Ownership an Issue? Exploring Factors That Determine Public Acceptance of Product-Service Systems.” Sustainability, vol. 10, no. 7, 2018, p. 2289.

Cherry, Catherine et al. “Homes as Machines: Exploring Expert and Public Imaginaries of Low Carbon Housing Futures in the United Kingdom.” Energy Research & Social Science, vol. 23, 2017, pp. 36-45.

Cherry, Catherine et al. “Media Discourses of Low Carbon Housing: The Marginalisation of Social and Behavioural Dimensions within the British Broadsheet Press.” Public Understanding of Science, vol. 24, no. 3, 2015, pp. 302-10.

Cherry, Catherine et al. “Public Acceptance of Resource-Efficiency Strategies to Mitigate Climate Change.” Nature Climate Change, vol. 8, no. 11, 2018, pp. 1007-12.

Cherry, Catherine et al. “A Personas-Based Approach to Deliberating Local Decarbonisation Scenarios: Findings and Methodological Insights.” Energy Research & Social Science, vol. 87, 2022, p. 102455.

Peake, Libby et al. “By Popular Demand: What People Want from a Resource Efficient Economy.” Green Alliance, 2018.