Chad Walker
Dalhousie University
Based in
North America

Book Chapters
Walker, C., Ryder, S., Roux, JP., Devine-Wright, P., & Chateau, Z. (Forthcoming). “Threats to energy democratization: Examining the structure of decision-making processes and new spheres of procedural (in)justice in energy transitions“. Democratizing Energy: Imaginaries, Transitions, Risks. Elsevier.
Sherry-Brennan, F., Walker, C., & Devine-Wright, P. (Forthcoming). “Transformations to low carbon energy infrastructures. Handbook of Contemporary Themes in Urban Landscape Architecture Research“. Routledge.
Dieleman, C., Walker, C., Pipher, D., & Peacock, H. (2019). “Challenges turning sustainability science into policy: A multi-disciplinary review.” Intellectual, Scientific and Educational Influences on Sustainability Research. IGI Global.
Walker, C. (2018). “Promoting qualitative research in the public sphere: Lessons learned from online criticisms.” The Craft of Qualitative Research. Canadian Scholar’s Press.
Mason, S., Walker, C., Baxter, J. & Luginaah, I. (2016). “Ethics and activism in environment and health research.” Practicing Qualitative Methods in Health Geography, 54-72. Routledge.
Journal Articles
Walker, C., Doucette, M.B., Rotz, S., Lewis, D., Tait Neufeld, H., & Castleden, H. (2021). “Non-Indigenous partner perspectives on Indigenous peoples’ involvement in renewable energy: Exploring reconciliation as relationships of accountability or status quo innocence?” Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management.
Mkandawire, P., Kangmennaang, J., Walker, C., Antabe, R., Atuoye, K. (2021). “Pregnancy intention and gestational age at first antenatal care visit in Lesotho.” African Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health.
Walker, C. (2020). “Using the United States Wind Turbine Database to identify major development trends across four decades.” Energy and Power Engineering, 12 (7), 407-431.
Baxter, J., Walker, C., Ellis, G., Devine-Wright, P., Adams, M., & Smith-Fullerton, R. (2020). “Scale, history and justice in community wind energy: An empirical review.” Energy Research and Social Science, 68.
Walker, C. (2020). “Bill 4 and the removal of Cap and Trade: A case study of carbon pricing, climate change law and public participation in Ontario, Canada.” Journal of Environmental Law and Practice, 33(1), 35-72.
Bozhkov, E., Walker, C., McCourt, V., & Castleden, H. (2020). “Are the Natural Sciences Ready for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada? Exploring ‘Settler Readiness’ at a World-Class Freshwater Research Station.” Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences.
Walker, C., Alexander, A., Doucette, MB, Lewis, D., Tait Neufeld, H., Martin, D., Masuda, J., Stefanelli, R., & Castleden, H. (2019). “Are the pens writing for justice? News media coverage on renewable energy involving Indigenous Peoples in Canada.” Energy Research and Social Science, 57, 101230.
Walker, C., & Baxter, J. (2019). “Method sequence and method dominance in mixed methods research: An empirical investigation using the social dynamics of wind energy literature.” International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 18, 1-14.
Walker, C., Stephenson, L., & Baxter, J. (2018). “His main platform is ‘stop the turbines!’”: Political discourse, partisanship and local responses to wind energy in Canada.” Energy Policy, 123, 670-681.
Yeung, S., Bombay, A., Walker, C., Denis, J., Martin, D., Sylvestre, P., & Castleden, H. (2018). “Predictors of medical student interest in Indigenous health learning and clinical practice: A Canadian case study.” BMC Medical Education, 18(1), 1-11.
Stefanelli, R., Walker, C., Kornelson, D., Lewis, D., Martin, D., Masuda, J., Richmond, C., Root, E., Tait Neufeld, H., & Castleden, H. (2018) “Renewable energy and energy autonomy: How Indigenous peoples in Canada are shaping and energy future.” Environmental Reviews, 27(1), 95-105.
Walker, C., Mason, S., & Bednar, D. (2018) “Sustainable development and environmental injustice in rural Ontario, Canada: Cases of wind energy and biosolid processing,” Journal of Rural and Community Development, 13 (2), 110-129.
Walker, C., & Christidis, T. (2018) “Activists against research: Experiences studying wind energy in Ontario.” The Canadian Geographer, 62 (2), 282-287.
Walker, C., & Baxter, J. (2017). “Procedural justice in Canadian wind energy development: A comparison of community-based and technocratic siting processes.” Energy Research & Social Science, 29, 160-169.
Walker, C., & Baxter, J. (2017) “It’s easy to throw rocks at a corporation”: wind energy development and distributive justice in Canada.” Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 19(6), 754-768.
McRobert, D., Tennent-Riddell, J., & Walker, C. (2016) “Ontario’s Green Energy and Green Economy Act: Why a Well-Intentioned Law is Mired in Controversy and Opposed by Rural Communities.” Renewable Energy Law and Policy Review, 7(2), 91-112.
Walker, C., Baxter, J., Mason, S., Luginaah, I., & Ouellette, D. (2015) “Wind energy development and perceived real estate values in Ontario, Canada.” AIMS Energy, 2 (2333-8334), 424-442.
Walker, C., Baxter, J., & Ouellette, D. (2015) “Adding Insult to Injury: The Development of Psychosocial Stress in Ontario Wind Turbine Communities.” Social Science & Medicine, 133, 358-365.
Walker, C., Baxter, J., & Ouellette, D. (2014) “Beyond rhetoric to understanding asymmetrical Impacts of wind turbine conflict in two Ontario, Canada communities“, Environment and Planning A, 46 (3), 730-745.
Other Publications
Walker, C. (2020). “Journalists covering Indigenous Peoples in renewable energy should focus on context and truth, not click-bait.” The Conversation. Published January 24, 2020.
• Republished in iPolitics (Canada) and Flipboard
• Readership of 4000+
Walker, C. (2020). “Working with people directly involved in Smart Local Energy Systems to identify successful ways to engage with users.” EnergyREV. Published February 27, 2020.
Walker, C. (2018). “Let’s create climate policy that will survive elections.” The Conversation. Published November 15 2018.
• Republished in National Post, iPolitics (Canada), and MENAFN
• Readership of 2500+
Walker, C. (2017). “The need for community-based approaches to wind energy.” Municipal World Magazine. Published August 2017.
Walker, C and Baxter, J. (2017) “Toolkit for Turbines: Wind Energy Development in Ontario and Nova Scotia, Canada.” A policy analysis report funded by the George Metcalf Foundation.
Walker, C. (2013). “Towards Greater Acceptance of Wind Energy: A Review of Community Benefit Models” a 20-page policy analysis report requested and funded by the Toronto Renewable Energy Cooperative (TREC) and the Canadian Wind Energy Association (CANWEA).”