Christian Downie
Australian National University
Based in
Christian Downie is an Associate Professor in the School of Regulation and Global Governance at the Australian National University. Christian has worked as a foreign policy and climate policy advisor to the Australian Government. He holds a PhD in international relations and political science from the Australian National University, and has spent time teaching and researching at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the London School of Economics and Political Science and the Balsillie School of International Affairs. Christian is the author of more than 30 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters. His latest book is Business Battles in the U.S. Energy Sector.

Christian Downie. 2019. “Business Battles and U.S. Energy Policy: Lessons for a clean energy transition,” London: Routledge (February 2019).
Christian Downie. 2018. “Ad Hoc Coalitions in the United States Energy Sector: Case studies in the gas, oil and coal industries,” Business and Politics (September 2018).
Kyle Tienhaara & Christian Downie. 2018. “Risky Business? The Energy Charter Treaty, Clean Energy and Investor-State Disputes,” Global Governance (January 2018).
Christian Downie. 2017. “Business actors, political resistance, and strategies for policymakers,” Energy Policy (September 2017).
Christian Downie. 2017. “Fighting for King Coal’s Crown: Business actors in the US coal and utility industries,” Global Environment Politics (February 2017).
Peter Drahos & Christian Downie. 2017. “Regulatory Unilateralism: Arguments for going it alone on climate change,” Global Policy (February 2017).
Christian Downie & Peter Drahos. 2017. “US Institutional Pathways to Clean Coal and Shale Gas: Lessons for China,” Climate Policy (October 2015).
Christian Downie. 2014. “Three Ways to Understand State Actors in International Negotiations: Climate Change in the Clinton Years (1993-2000),” Global Environmental Politics (June 2014).
Christian Downie. 2014. “Transnational actors in environmental politics: strategies and influence in long negotiations,” Environmental Politics (June 2014).
Christian Downie. 2014. “The Politics of Climate Change Negotiations: Strategies and variables in prolonged international negotiations,” Edward Elgar (March 2014).