Christopher Wright
The University of Sydney
Based in
Christopher Wright’s research explores organizational and societal responses to climate change, focusing on how managers and business organizations interpret and respond to the climate crisis. He has published extensively on issues of corporate environmentalism, corporate citizenship, organizational justification and compromise, risk, identity and future imaginings and is the author of the widely cited book “Climate Change, Capitalism and Corporations” (CUP, 2015). Christopher is a key researcher at the Sydney Environment Institute, where he heads a group of researchers examining corporate climate responses to low carbon transitions.

Wright C, Nyberg D, Bowden V. 2021. “Beyond the discourse of denial: The reproduction of fossil fuel hegemony in Australia,” Energy Research & Social Science. 2021;77:102094.
Daniel Nyberg & Christopher Wright. 2020. “Climate-proofing management research,” Academy of Management Perspectives (March 2020).
Christian De Cock, Daniel Nyberg, & Christopher Wright. 2019. “Disrupting climate change futures: Conceptual tools for lost histories,” Organization (November 2019).
Vanessa Bowden, Daniel Nyberg, & Christopher Wright. 2019. “Planning for the Past: Local Temporality and the Construction of Denial in Climate Change Adaptation,” Global Environmental Change (July 2019).
Daniel Nyberg, Christopher Wright, & Jacqueline Kirk. 2018. “Fracking the Future: The Temporal Portability of Frames in Political Contests,” Organization Studies (December 2018).
Christopher Wright, Daniel Nyberg, Lauren Rickards, & James Freund. 2018. “Organizing in the Anthropocene,” Organization (July 2018).
Daniel Nyberg, Christopher Wright, & Jacqueline Kirk. 2018. “Dash for Gas: Climate Change, Hegemony and the Scalar Politics of Fracking in the UK,” British Journal of Management (April 2018).
Christopher Wright & Daniel Nyberg. 2017. “An Inconvenient Truth: How Organizations Translate Climate Change into Business As Usual,” Academy of Management Journal (October 2017).
Daniel Nyberg, Christopher Wright, & Jacqueline Kirk. 2017. “Re-producing a Neoliberal Political Regime: Competing Justifications and Dominance in Disputing Fracking,” Research in the Sociology of Organisations (June 2017).
Daniel Nyberg & Christopher Wright. 2016. “Performative and Political: Corporate Constructions of Climate Change Risk,” Organization (September 2016).
Christopher Wright. 2015. “Climate Change, Capitalism and Corporations: Processes of Creative Self-Destruction,” Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (October 2015).
Christopher Wright & Daniel Nyberg. 2014. “Creative Self-destruction: Corporate Responses to Climate Change as Political Myths,” Environmental Politics (January 2014).
Daniel Nyberg & Christopher Wright. 2013. “Corporate Corruption of the Environment: Sustainability as a Process of Compromise,” British Journal of Sociology (September 2013).
Christopher Wright, Daniel Nyberg, Christian De Cock, & Gail Whiteman. 2013. “Future Imaginings: Organizing in Response to Climate Change,” Organization (September 2013).
Daniel Nyberg, André Spicer, & Christopher Wright. 2013. “Incorporating Citizens: Corporate Political Engagement with Climate Change in Australia,” Organization (April 2013).
Christopher Wright, Daniel Nyberg, & David Grant. 2012. ”’Hippies on the Third Floor’: Climate Change, Narrative Identity and the Micro-Politics of Corporate Environmentalism,” Organization Studies (November 2012).
Christopher Wright & Daniel Nyberg. 2012. “Working With Passion: Emotionology, Corporate Environmentalism and Climate Change,” Human Relations (November 2012).
Daniel Nyberg & Christopher Wright. 2012. “Justifying Business Responses to Climate Change: Discursive Strategies of Similarity and Difference,” Environment & Planning A (January 2012).