Cindy Isenhour
University of Maine
Based in
United States
North America
Cindy Isenhour is an economic and environmental anthropologist with expertise related to the cultural and economic logics that drive linear systems of production-consumption-disposal (and associated emissions). She has active research projects focused on policies intended to shift economic structures and accounting frameworks in the interest of climate mitigation and justice.
Anna McGinn & Cindy Isenhour. 2021. “Negotiating the future of the Adaptation Fund: on the politics of defining and defending justice in the post-Paris Agreement period.” Climate Policy.
Isenhour, Cindy. 2021. “Making the Market Work: Socially Embedded Economies, the Climate, and Consumption. In Consumption, Status and Sustainability: Ecological and Anthropological Perspectives. Roscoe and Isenhour, eds. London: Cambridge University Press. ISBN- 9781108874441
Isenhour, Cindy and Paul Roscoe. 2021. “Conclusion: Bending the Curve Toward Sustainability.” In Consumption, Status and Sustainability: Ecological and Anthropological Perspectives, Roscoe and Isenhour, eds. London: Cambridge University Press. ISBN- 9781108874441
McElwee, Pamela, Ester Turnout, Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline, Jennifer Clapp, Cindy Isenhour, Tim Jackson, Eszter Kelemen, Daniel C. Miller, Graciela Rusch, Joachim Spangenberg, Anthony Waldron, Rupert Baumgartner, Brent Bleys, Michael Howard, Eric Mungatana, Hein Ngo, Irene Ring, Rui Santos. 2020. “Ensuring a Post-Covid Economic Agenda Tackles Global Biodiversity Loss.” One Earth 3(4): 448-461.
Mathai, Manu, Cindy Isenhour, Dimitris Stevis, Philip Vergragt, Mangus Bengtsson, Sylvia Lorek, Lars Mortensen, Luca Coscieme, David Scott, Ambreen Waheed, Eva Alfredsson. 2020. “The Political Economy of (Un)Sustainable Consumption: A Multidisciplinary Synthesis for Research and Action.” Resources, Conservation & Recycling.
O’Reilly, Jessica, Cindy Isenhour, Pamela McElwee and Ben Orlove. 2020. “Climate Change: Expanding Anthropological Possibilities.” Annual Review of Anthropology 49.
Isenhour, Cindy. “Consuming Globalism: On Power, Politics and Competition in International Action for the Climate.” 2019. In Power and Politics in Sustainable Consumption Research, Isenhour et al. eds. Routledge Press. ISBN- 9781138056206.
Rachel Shwom, Cindy Isenhour, Aaron McCright, Rebecca Jordan, Jennifer Meta-Robinson. 2017. “Integrating the Social Sciences to Enhance Climate Literacy.” Frontiers in Ecology and Environment 15(7):377-384.
Isenhour, Cindy, Jessica O’Reilly and Heather Yocum. 2016. “Accounting for Climate Change: Measurement, Management, Morality and Myth.” Human Ecology 44(6):647-654.
Isenhour, Cindy. “Unearthing Human Progress? Ecomodernism and Contrasting Definitions of Technological Progress in the Anthropocene.” 2016. Economic Anthropology 3(2):315-328.
Isenhour, Cindy and Kuishuang Feng. 2016. “Decoupling and Displaced Emissions: On Swedish Consumers, Chinese Producers and Policy to Address the Climate Impact of Consumption.” Journal of Cleaner Production 134(a): 320-329.
Sorenson, Amanda, Rachael Shwom, Rebecca Jordan, Diane Ebert-May, Cindy Isenhour, Aaron McCright, Jennifer Meta-Robinson. 2015 . “Model-based Reasoning to Foster Environmental and Socio-scientific Literacy in Higher Education.” Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 6(2):287-294.
Isenhour, Cindy. “Green Capitals Reconsidered: The Carbon Emissions Associated with Urban Consumption.” 2015. In Sustainability in the Global City: Myth and Practice. Isenhour, Checker & McDonogh, eds. Cambridge University Press. ISBN-13: 9781107076280.
Isenhour, Cindy. 2012. “The Devil in the Deal: Trade-Embedded Emissions and the Durban Platform.” Ethics, Policy & Environment 15(3):303-308.
Isenhour, Cindy. 2012 . “The Politics of Climate Knowledge: Sir Giddens, Sweden and the Paradox of Climate (In)Justice.” Local Environment 17(9).