Claire Debucquois
Based in
Dr. Debucquois’s project studies how law shapes sustainable finance and energy, looking at cross-border, distributive outcomes. She analyzes how climate policies like the European Green Deal direct financial resources towards specific economic activities, asking whose rights and interests are considered, which costs and benefits are accounted for, and what social and ecological impacts ensue. The inquiry draws on case studies of climate bonds affecting land use in Brazil and mineral extraction in Chile. Debucquois examines how law constitutes forms of “green debt” and determines their market value through regulatory structures, influencing how these tools may serve de-risking strategies and generate new dependencies.
Dr. Debucquois is an FNRS research fellow and currently a Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute (EUI). She studied law, philosophy, and economics, specializing in development economics, and comparative and international law. Her dissertation, completed at Columbia Law School, analyzes contemporary land transactions in Brazil, situating them within the country’s legal history and political economy of land ownership.