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Daniel Delatin Rodrigues

Università degli studi Milano Bicocca

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Dr. Daniel Delatin Rodrigues graduated in Social Sciences (UEL/Brazil) and PhD at the Urban Studies Programme (URBEUR/Italy) of the Department of Sociology, University of Milano-Bicocca, with a research on climate change, urban planning (resilient city) and climate activism in the city of Milan. Academic and professional experience in environmental and rural sociology, spatial development, activism, fossil fuel industry, climate change, energy transition, qualitative research methodologies for conflict analysis and socio-environmental transformation processes. Teaching experience: For the past two years, Delatin has tutored a course on geopolitics and, more recently, a course on sustainability and ecological transition. Delatin has research experience in rural areas (agroecology and ecological restoration) and urban areas (climate change mitigation and adaptation and climate-activism). In recent years, he has researched the field of energy production from a broad socio-anthropological and political perspective, which can be summarised in five lines 1) infrastructures for energy production and distribution from a socio-technical perspective; 2) the different types of energy production and their socio-economic differentiation; 3) the socio-environmental impact of these infrastructures on the local spatial fabric; 4) projects and processes of energy transition through photovoltaic panels and wind turbines; and finally 5) the conditions and factors that favour or hinder the transition to other forms of non-fossil energy production. The various papers converge in a multidisciplinary approach that combines the theoretical traditions of sociology, anthropology, geography and political science.

Country(ies) of Specialty

Focus areas of expertise

Climate policy and politics Fossil fuels Renewable energy Social movements

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1) Delatin Rodrigues, D. (2024). Pratiche di destabilizzazione e disruption della macchina fossile di Civitavecchia. In I. Cortesi (ed.) Il paesaggio al centro: natura pubblica e natura operante. Siracusa: LetteraVentidue Edizione. ISBN: 9788862429900

2) Delatin Rodrigues, D. (2024). Rigenerare per ri-abitare: pratiche agro-ecologiche tra le rovine della modernizzazione agricola a Milano. Sociologia Urbana e Rurale 134, pp 113-131, DOI: 10.3280/SUR2024-134006

3) Grasso, M., Delatin Rodrigues, D. (2024). Rage against the fossil machine: The deactivation of fossil energy production in Italy. Energy Research & Social Science, 115(September 2024) [10.1016/j.erss.2024.103655].

4) Delatin Rodrigues D., Grasso M. (2024). Social tipping processes in the transformation of Civitavecchia’s socio-energy system. In JD Tàbara, A Flamos, D Mangalagiu (eds.) Positive Tipping Points towards Sustainability.Springer. DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-50762-5

5) Delatin Rodrigues, D. (2024). Climate Activism and the Destabilization of Business-as-Usual in Milan, Italy. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 53(3), 301-326. https://doi.org/10.1177/08912416241233698

6) Grasso, M., Delatin Rodrigues, D. (2023). Disenabling fossil energy production in Civitavecchia. Sustainable And Responsible Management, 4(2), 40-62 [10.61013/2724-4466/4.2.40-62].

7) Dell’Agnese & Delatin Rodrigues, D (2023) Introduzione. A cura Dell’Agnese, E; Delatin Rodrigues, D. Re(l)-azioni: ri-costruire la comunità rurale. Mulino, 2023.

8) Delatin Rodrigues, D. & Di Quarto F. (2023). Sistemi agroalimentare e cambiamenti climatici: una riflessione sull’Italia. Rivista Geografica Italiana, CXXX:4 DOI: https://doi.org/10.3280/rgioa4-2023oa16846

9) Grasso, M., & Delatin Rodrigues, D. (2022). Disrupting to decarbonise socio-energy systems: The ‘carbon transformation axes’ framework. Energy Research & Social Science, 90(August 2022) [10.1016/j.erss.2022.102657].

10) Delatin Rodrigues, D. (2022) After the (Green) Revolution Comes (Ecological) Restoration: Scientists and Peasants in Pontal do Paranapanema, Brazil. in: Laura Centemeri, Sezin Topçu, J. Peter Burgess (eds). Rethinking Post-Disaster Recovery: Socio-Anthropological Perspectives on Repairing Environments. London: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Rethinking-Post-Disaster-Recovery-Socio-Anthropological-Perspectives-on/Centemeri-Topcu-Burgess/p/book/9781032027135

11) Delatin Rodrigues, D; Carneiro, MJ; Sandroni, L. (2015) De la investigación à la política pública: producción y circulación de conocimiento científico. Nómadas (42): 150-165.


12) Norder, L. A. C. ; Ventura, M. ; Meneses Junior, A. O. ; Delatin Rodrigues D. (2015) Percepção social sobre florestas nativas e restauração ecológica em assentamentos rurais no Pontal do Paranapanema e no Norte do Paraná. Revista Campo-Territorio (10): 538–557
