Daniele Conversi
University of the Basque Country
Based in
Daniele Conversi is Research Professor at the Ikerbasque Foundation for Science and the University of the Basque Country (EHU/UPV), Bilbao, Euskadi (Spain). He received his PhD at the London School of Economics and worked in various institutions, including Cornell University, Syracuse University and the Central European University.

Country(ies) of Specialty
SpainFocus areas of expertise
Climate policy and politicsPublications
Articles and Chapters
(2024) ‘Eco-fascism: an oxymoron? Far-right nationalism, history, and the climate emergency’, Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 6.
(2023) ‘Nationalism and Climate Change’, Studies on National Movements 11 (2023), 204-229
(2023) ‘Editorial: Beyond the frontiers of political science: is good governance possible in cataclysmic times?’, Frontiers in Political Science, 5 (with Lorenzo Posocco and Iarfhlaith Watson) Vol 5 – 2023
(2023) ‘From climate change denial to war-mongering nationalism’ (with Claudia Hassan and Lorenzo Posocco), Culture of Sustainability, vol 15, n 31, pp. 99-112.
(2023) ‘Citizenship and nationhood: From Antiquity to Gaia citizenship’, in Aviel Roshwald, Matthew D’ Auria and Cathie Carmichael (eds) Cambridge History of Nationhood and Nationalism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023, Vol. II, pp. 485-502
(2022). ‘Gellner in the Anthropocene: Modernity, Nationalism and Climate Change’. In P. Skalník (eds) Ernest Gellner’s Legacy and Social Theory Today. Cham: Springer International, 155-184.
(2022) ‘Economic nationalism in the Anthropocene’, in Andreas Pickel (ed.), The Handbook on Economic Nationalism. Cheltenham, UK/ Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2022, pp 29-44 (ch. 3)
(2022) Which Nationalism for the Anthropocene? A Comparative Study of Exemplary Green Nation-States. Frontiers in Political Science 4: DOI: 10.3389/fpos.2022.857597 (with Lorenzo Posocco).
(2021) ‘Exemplary Ethical Communities. A New Concept for a Livable Anthropocene’, Sustainability, 13, 10, pp. 5582.
(2021) Green nationalism. Climate action and environmentalism in left nationalist parties, Environmental Politics, Vol 30, Issue 7, pp. 1089-1110 (with Mark Hau)
(2021) ‘Geoethics vs. Geopolitics. Shoring up the nation in the Anthropocene cul-de-sac’, in Martin Bohle and Eduardo Marone (ed.) Geo-societal Narratives Contextualising Geosciences. Palgrave-Springer, 2021, pp 135-152
(2020) ‘The ultimate challenge: Nationalism and climate change’, Nationalities Papers, 2020, 48, 4, pp. 625-636
Cambiamenti Climatici, Antropocene e Politica. Milano: Mondadori Università, 2022, pp. 176, ISBN 979-12-206-0067-5