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Debra Javeline

University of Notre Dame

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United States
North America

Debra Javeline is Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Notre Dame and affiliated with the Notre Dame Environmental Change Initiative.  Her research interests include mass political behavior, survey research, Russian politics, sustainability, environmental politics, and climate change.  Much of her work focuses on climate change adaptation, or the reduction of vulnerability to climate impacts, and she is currently exploring coastal homeowner motivations to take action to reduce their risk from rising seas, hurricanes, and other hazards.  She is also working on a book project, Unadapted: A Portrait of Unchanged Humans on a Changed Planet.

Country(ies) of Specialty

United States Russia

Focus areas of expertise

Behavioral action Social movements

How to Connect



Debra Javeline. 2024. “Climate Change,” in Henry Hale, Juliet Johnson, and Tomila Lankina, ed. Developments in Russian Politics, 10th edition. Bloomsbury.

Debra Javeline, Robert Orttung, Graeme Robertson, Richard Arnold, Andrew Barnes, Laura Henry, Edward Holland, Mariya Omelicheva, Peter Rutland, Edward Schatz, Caress Schenk, Andrei Semenov, Valerie Sperling, Lisa McIntosh Sundstrom, Mikhail Troitskiy, Judyth Twigg, Susanne Wengle (PONARS Task Force on Russia in a Changing Climate). 2023. “Russia in a Changing Climate,” WIREs Climate Change.

Tracy Kijewski-Correa, Debra Javeline, William Kakenmaster, and Angela Chesler. 2023. “Economic Incentives for Coastal Homeowner Adaptations to Climate Change,” Climate Policy.

Angela Chesler, Debra Javeline, Kimberly Peh, and Shana Scogin. 2023. “Is Democracy the Answer to Intractable Climate Change?” Global Environmental Politics. 23, 4: 201-216.

Debra Javeline, Tracy Kijewski-Correa, and Angela Chesler. 2022. “Do Perverse Insurance Incentives Encourage Coastal Vulnerability?” Natural Hazards Review. 23, 1 (February).

Marcantonio R, Javeline D, Field S, Fuentes A. 2021. “Global distribution and coincidence of pollution, climate impacts, and health risk in the Anthropocene.” PLoS ONE 16(7): e0254060.

Debra Javeline and Sophia Chau. 2020. “The Unexplored Politics of Climate Change Adaptation,” in David M. Konisky, ed. Handbook of U.S. Environmental Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing, chapter 27.

Debra Javeline, Tracy Kijewski-Correa, and Angela Chesler. 2019. “Does It Matter if You “Believe” in Climate Change? Not for Coastal Home Vulnerability,” Climatic Change 155, 4: 511-532. Recipient of Paul A. Sabatier Conference Paper Award for best paper on science, technology, and environmental politics presented at the APSA annual meeting.

Debra Javeline, Nives Dolšak, and Aseem Prakash. 2019. “Adapting to Water Impacts of Climate Change,” Introduction to Special Issue of Climatic Change 152, 2: 209-213.

Debra Javeline and Sophia Chau. 2019. “Adaptation of Ecosystems in the Anthropocene,” in Carina H. Keskitalo and Benjamin Preston, eds. Research Handbook on Climate Change Adaptation Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing, chapter 22.

Debra Javeline and Tracy Kijewski-Correa. 2019. “Coastal Homeowners in a Changing Climate,” Climatic Change, 152, 2: 259-274.

Debra Javeline, Jessica J. Hellmann, Jason M. McLachlan, Dov F. Sax, Mark W. Schwartz, and Rodrigo Castro Cornejo. 2015. “Expert Opinion on Extinction Risk and Climate Change Adaptation,” Elementa: Science for the Anthropocene, 3:000057.

Debra Javeline. 2014. “The Most Important Topic Political Scientists are Not Studying: Adapting to Climate Change.” Perspectives on Politics. 12, 2 (June): 420-434. Reprinted in Kent Worcester, ed. 2018. Navigating Political Science: Professional Advancement & Success in the Discipline. Washington, D.C.: American Political Science Association, chapter 20, pp.205-222.

Debra Javeline and Gregory Shufeldt. 2014. “Scientific Opinion in Policymaking: The Case of Climate Change Adaptation,” Policy Sciences 47, 2 (June): 121-139.

Debra Javeline, Jessica J. Hellmann, Rodrigo Castro Cornejo, and Gregory Shufeldt. 2013. “Expert Opinion on Climate Change and Threats to Biodiversity,” Bioscience. 63, 8 (August): 666-673.

Mark Schwartz, Jessica Hellmann, Jason McLachlan, Dov Sax, Justin Borevitz, Jean Brennan, Alex Camacho, Garardo Ceballos, Jamie Rappaport Clark, Holly Doremus, Regan Early, Julie Etterson, Dwight Fielder, Jacqueline Gill, Patrick Gonzalez, Nancy Green, Lee Hannah, Dale Jamieson, Debra Javeline, Ben Minteer, Jay Odenbaugh, Stephen Polasky, David Richardson, and Terry Root. 2012. “Managed Relocation: Integrating the Scientific, Regulatory, and Ethical Challenges,” Bioscience. 62, 8 (August): 732-743.

Manuscripts under review

Debra Javeline, Tracy Kijewski-Correa, and Angela Chesler. “Do Perverse Insurance Incentives Encourage Coastal Vulnerability?” (revised and resubmitted to Natural Hazards Review)

Angela Chesler, Debra Javeline, Kimberly Peh, and Shana Scogin. “Is Democracy the Answer to Intractable Climate Change?” (under review at American Political Science Review)

Other Publications

Debra Javeline. 2021. “Failing to transition in the Anthropocene,” Comparative Politics Newsletter, American Political Science Association, spring.

Debra Javeline. 2014. “Member Spotlight,” STEP Ahead (Newsletter of the Science, Technology, and Environmental Politics Section of the American Political Science Association), 12, 6 (November): 3-4.

Debra Javeline. 2014. “The Absence of Political Scientists on the Frontlines of Adapting to Climate Change,” Political Insight (blog of the Political Studies Association), 8 July.

Debra Javeline. 2013. “Climate Change and Political Scientists: Defining a Research Agenda,” The Monkey Cage, 12 July.