Diana Stuart
Northern Arizona University
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Diana Stuart, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in the Sustainable Communities Program and in the School of Earth and Sustainability at Northern Arizona University. Her research focuses on proposed climate change solutions and more recently has focused on degrowth and climate activism. (website)

Country(ies) of Specialty
United StatesFocus areas of expertise
Social movementsPublications
Stuart D, Petersen B, Gunderson R. 2022. “Articulating system change to effectively and justly address the climate crisis” Globalizations. August 31, 2022.
Stuart, D. 2022. “Tensions between individual and system change in the climate movement: an analysis of Extinction Rebellion 2022” New Political Economy. January 5, 2022.
Stuart D, Petersen B, Gunderson R. 2021. “Shared pretenses for collective inaction: the economic growth imperative, COVID-19, and climate change,” Globalizations. July 6, 2021:1-18.
Diana Stuart, Ryan Gunderson, & Brian Petersen. 2021. “The Degrowth Alternative: A Path to Address Our Environmental Crises?” New York: Routledge (2021).
Diana Stuart, Ryan Gunderson, & Brian Petersen. 2020. “Climate Change Solutions: Beyond the Capital-Climate Contradiction,” Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press (July 2020).
Diana Stuart, Ryan Gunderson, & Brian Petersen. 2020. “Overconsumption as ideology: implications for production and climate change,” Nature & Culture (June 2020).
Brian Petersen, Diana Stuart, & Ryan Gunderson. 2020. “Reconceptualizing climate change denial: how new forms of ideological denialism misdiagnose climate change and limit effective action,” Human Ecology Review (May 2020).
Diana Stuart, Ryan Gunderson, & Brian Petersen. 2020. “The climate crisis as a catalyst for emancipatory transformation: an examination of the possible,” International Sociology (May 2020).
Diana Stuart, Ryan Gunderson, & Brian Petersen. 2020. “Carbon geoengineering and the metabolic rift,” Critical Sociology (February 2020).
Ryan Gunderson, Diana Stuart, & Brain Petersen. 2020. “The fossil fuel industry’s framing of carbon capture and storage: Faith in innovation, value instrumentalization, and status quo maintenance,” Journal of Cleaner Production (April 2020).
Matthew Houser, Ryan Gunderson, & Diana Stuart. 2019. “Farmers’ perceptions of climate change in social context: toward a political economy of relevance,” Sociologia Ruralis (October 2019).
Ryan Gunderson, Diana Stuart, & Matthew Houser. 2019. “A political-economic theory of relevance: explaining climate change inaction,” Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour (August 2019).
Ryan Gunderson, Diana Stuart, & Brian Petersen. 2019. “Materialized ideology and environmental problems: the cases of solar geoengineering and agricultural biotechnology,” European Journal of Social Theory (April 2019).
Diana Stuart, Ryan Gunderson, & Brian Petersen. 2019. “Climate change and the Polanyian counter-movement: carbon markets or degrowth?” New Political Economy (2019).
Ryan Gunderson, Diana Stuart, & Brian Petersen. 2018. “The political economy of geoengineering as Plan B,” New Political Economy (July 2018).
Ryan Gunderson, Diana Stuart, Brian Petersen, and Sun-Jin Yun. 2018. “Social conditions to better realize the gains of “green” technology: degrowth and collective ownership,” Futures (May 2018).
Ryan Gunderson, Brian Petersen, & Diana Stuart. 2018. “A critical examination of geoengineering: from how to why,” Sustainability (January 2018).
Diana Stuart. 2018. “Climate change and ideological transformation in US agriculture,” Sociologia Ruralis (January 2018).
Matthew Houser, Diana Stuart, & Michael Carolan. 2017. “Is seeing believing? Applying a realist framework to examine agriculture and climate change,” Environmental Sociology (June 2017).
Ryan Gunderson, Diana Stuart, & Brian Petersen. 2017. “Ideological obstacles to effective climate policy: the greening of markets, technology, and growth,” Capital and Class (February 2017).
Diana Stuart. 2016. “Crossing the “great divide” in practice: theoretical approaches for sociology in interdisciplinary environmental research,” Environmental Sociology (February 2016).
Michael Carolan & Diana Stuart. 2016. “Get Real: Climate Change and All That ‘It’ Entails,” Sociologia Ruralis (January 2016).