Ece Baykal Fide
Marmara University
Based in
I am working at Marmara University’s Communication Department where I give lectures at undergraduate (ILT3025 Media and Human Rights; COMM 3004.1 Public opinion, Public Diplomacy and Lobbying) and graduate levels (GZT7206 Media and Democracy; GZT7221.1 Media and Environmental Politics; GZT8223.1 Communication of Environmental Politics). After receiving my Master’s (Galatasaray University) and PhD (Université Aix-Marseille III) degrees in Political Science, my research focused on ecology and climate change policies. The discourses produced about ecological destruction and climate change in both politics and the media, and the discursive obstruction of understanding the relationship between disasters and climate change, have been at the center of my research.
Country(ies) of Specialty
TurkeyFocus areas of expertise
Climate policy and politics Communications research Climate Justice Social movementsPublications
Yazar M., Dalogulu Çetinkaya I., Baykal Fide E. (2023) The nested hierarchy of urban vulnerability within land use policies fails to address climate injustices in Turkey. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 26(1), 30-46
Yazar M., Dalogulu Çetinkaya I., Baykal Fide E., Haarstad H. (2023). Diffusion of global climate policy: National depoliticization, local repoliticization in Turkey, Global Environmental Change, Vol. 81,
Baykal Fide, E. (2022). Turkish Newspapers Wildfire Coverage During the Summer of 2021. Kent Akademisi, 15(4), 2110-2127.
Baykal Fide, E. (2022). Turkish Press Climate Crisis Coverage (2018-2019): Elements of Disconnect in Discourses and the Representation of Solutions”, New Perspectives on Turkey, 1-25
Baykal Fide, E. (2020). The Authoritarian Shift of the Populist Discourse in Turkey. Sur le journalisme, About journalism, Sobre jornalismo, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 1, p. 180-193. ISSN 2295-0729. Disponible à l’adresse:
Baykal, E. (2008) “Türkiye’de Anarsist Yazinin Gelisimi ve Siyahi Dergisi” (The Development of Anarchist Literature in Turkey and the Magazine Siyahi- Blackish-), Journal of Marmara University Communication Faculty, pp.1-19,
Book Chapters
Forthcoming Baykal Fide, E. (2024) Chasing justice in environmental and climate communication” (Çevre ve iklim iletişimde adaletin peşinde), in (ed) Ece Baykal Fide, Environmental and Climate Justice in Media (Medyada Çevre ve İklim Adaleti), Yeni İnsan Yayınevi, İstanbul
Baykal Fide, E. (2022). İklim Krizinin Aynasında Hakikat anlatıcılığı (Truth Telling in the Mirror of Climate Crisis) der. Kerem Demirbaş, Hakikat, Temsil, İnşa: Medyada Gerçekliğin Krizleri (Truth, Representation, Construction: Crisis of Reality in Media), Dora, Bursa, p.223-258
Baykal Fide, E. (2015). Effects of the Gezi Resistance on the Interaction of Different Social Movements and Their Media Strategies” in (eds.) Eduardo Cintra Torres & Samuel Mateus, From Multitude to Crowds: Collective Action and the Media, Peter Lang Edition, pp.199-221
Baykal Fide, E., Kabas B. (2009). Hürriyet Gazetesi:2000-2009″ in (eds.) Sengül Özerkan, Türkiye’de 9 Gazete (9 Newspapers in Turkey: Content Analysis), Nobel Yayinlari, Ankara, pp.82-90
Other Publications
Contribution to “Türkiye’de Çevre Koruma ve İklim Değişikliği (ÇKİD) ile Mücadeleye Ayrılan Kamu Kaynaklarının İzlenmesi”, (Monitoring on Public Expenditures dedicated to Environmental Protection and to tackling Climate Change in Turkey), KAHİP (Kamu Harcamalarını İzleme Platformu-Public Expenditures Monitoring Platform), November 2021
Contribution to “Environmental Protection and Climate Change Budgets of Metropolitan Municipalities: an Evaluation for the year 2021”, TESEV, December 10th 2021,
Selected Reporting Contributions for daily and monthly papers:
Three Pillars of Climate Journalism: Science, Politics and Social Justice”, Bianet, 01.07.2021
Hannah Arendt ile Pandemide Sokakları ve İklim Hareketini Düşünmek”, (Thinking the climate movement and the streets in the pandemic with Hannah Arendt), Yeşil Gazete, 19.12.2020
Daily Media Critics
Member of a Media Critics Group named ‘Kirpi’ (Hedgehog) supervised by Ragıp Duran (Lecturer at Galatasaray University & Journalist, Reporter for Libération) for the daily newspaper Birgün, between May 2004-July 2005