Ed Maibach
George Mason University
Based in
United States
North America
Ed Maibach is a public health communication and social marketing expert who focuses on mobilizing populations to adopt behaviors and support public policies that will limit climate change and help prevent its unavoidable health consequences. He previously served as Associate Director of the National Cancer Institute, and Worldwide Director of Social Marketing at Porter Novelli, and currently serves on the board of the Global Climate and Health Alliance. He earned his doctoral degree in communication at Stanford University and his MPH at San Diego State University.

Maibach, E., Uppalapati, S., Orr, M., Thaker, J. (in press). “Harnessing the power of communication and behavior science to enhance society’s response to climate change.” Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Science.
Maibach, E., Cullen, H., Placky, B., Gandy, J. & Witte, J.2022. “Improving public understanding of climate change by supporting weathercasters.” Nature Climate Change.
Borth, A. C., Campbell, E., Munson, S., Patzer, S. M., Yagatich, W. A., & Maibach, E. 2022. “Are Journalists Reporting on the Highest-Impact Climate Solutions? Findings from a Survey of Environmental Journalists.” Journalism Practice, 16(2-3), 443-461.
Mendoza-Vasconez, A., McLaughlin, E., Sallis, J., Maibach, E., Epel, E., Bennett, G., Nogueira, L., Thayer, J., Dietz, W. 2022. “Advocacy to support climate and health policies: Recommended actions for the Society of Behavioral Medicine.” Translational Behavioral Medicine. 12: 535-542.
Ballew M., Marlon, J., Goldberg, M., Maibach, E., Rosenthal, Aiken, E., & Leiserowitz, A. 2022. “Changing minds about global warming: Drivers of self-reported attitude change in the U.S. Climatic Change.” Doi: 10.1007/s10584-002-03397-w.
Luong, T., Kotcher, J., Miller, J., Campbell, E., Epel, E., Sarfaty, M. & Maibach, E. 2021. “Prescription for health the climate crisis: Insights on how to activate health professionals to advocate for climate and health solutions.” Journal of Climate Change and Health. doi: 10.1016/j.joclim.2021.100082.
Rublee, C., Inglis, R., Maibach, E. 2021. “Review of United States Senators’ website position statements on climate change and health.” Journal of Climate Change and Health.
Munson, S., Kotcher, J., Maibach, E., Rosenthal, S., Leiserowitz, A. 2021. “The role of felt responsibility in climate change political participation.” Oxford Open Climate Change.
Lewandowski, A., Ahdoot, S., Sheffield, P., Maibach, E. 2021. “Patients value climate change counseling provided by their pediatrician: The experience in one Wisconsin pediatric clinic.” Journal of Climate Change and Health.
Ballew, M., Pearson, A., Schuldt, J., Kotcher, J., Maibach, E., Rosenthal, S. Leiserowitz, A. 2021. “Is the political divide on climate change narrower for people of color?” Journal of Environmental Psychology.
Kotcher, J., Feldman, L., Luong, K., Wyatt, J., Maibach, E. 2021. “Advocacy messages about climate and health are more effective when they include information about risks, solutions and a normative appeal: Evidence from a conjoint experiment.” Journal of Climate Change and Health.
Lee, H., Pagano, I., Kotcher, J., Campbell, E., Borth, A., Hubbert, B., Maibach, E. 2021. “Health Professional’s Willingness to Advocate for Strengthening Global Commitments to the Paris Climate Agreement: Findings from a Multi-Nation Survey.” Journal of Climate Change and Health.
Leiserowitz, A., Roser-Renouf, C., Marlon, J., Maibach, E. 2021. “Global Warming’s Six Americas: A review and recommendations for climate change communication.” Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 42, 97-103. DOI: 10.1016/j.cobeha.2021.04.007
Kotcher, J., Maibach, E., Miller, J., Campbell, E., Alqodmani, L., Maiero, M., Wynns, A. 2021. “Views of health professionals on climate change and health: A multi-national survey study.” Lancet Planetary Health.
Campbell, E., Kotcher, J., Maibach, E., Rosenthal, S., Leiserowitz, A. 2021. “Predicting the importance of global warming as a voting issue among registered voters in the United States.” Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology.
Maibach, E., Frumkin, H. & Ahdoot. S. 2021. “Health professionals and the climate crisis: Trusted voices, essential roles.” World Medical and Health Policy.
Sabherwal, A., Ballew, M. T., van der Linden, S., Gustafson, A., Goldberg, M. H., Maibach, E. W., Kotcher, J. E., Swim, J. K., Rosenthal, S. A., & Leiserowitz, A. 2021. “The Greta Thunberg Effect: Familiarity with Greta Thunberg Predicts Intentions to Engage in Climate Activism in the United States.” Journal of Applied Social Psychology. doi: 10.1111/jasp.12737
Maibach, E. 2021. “Supporting communities of practice as a strategy to accelerate uptake of environmental science for climate action: TV weathercasters as a case study.” Environmental Research Letters. 16, 025004.
Maibach, E., Miller, J., Armstrong, F., El Omrani, O., Zhang, Y., Philpott, N., et al. 2021. “Health professionals, the Paris Agreement, and the fierce urgency of now.” Journal of Climate and Health. 1:e-100002.