Fengshi Wu
University of New South Wales
Based in
Fengshi Wu is Associate Professor in Political Science and International Relations at the School of Social Sciences, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia. She is a world-leading scholar in environmental politics, state-society relations, and global governance with an empirical focus on China and Asia. She was a Visiting Fellow at the Harvard-Yenching Institute (2008-2009) and a Graduate Fellow of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences (2004). Her academic works have appeared in China Journal, Environmental Politics, VOLUNTAS, China Quarterly, Global Environmental Politics, Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, Journal of Contemporary China and International Studies Quarterly. She edited the book China’s Global Conquest for Resources (Routledge, 2017) on Chinese overseas investment in and acquisition of natural resources.
Currently, A/Prof. Wu is the inaugural Series Editor of Environment and Society in Asia, Amsterdam University Press, and serves on the Executive Committee of the International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR) and International University Climate Alliance (IUCA).
A/Prof. Wu received her PhD in political science from the University of Maryland and BA (Hons) in international relations from Beijing University. Prior to UNSW, she held academic positions at the University of Melbourne, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Country(ies) of Specialty
Australia China Kazakhstan VietnamFocus areas of expertise
Climate policy and politics Climate Justice Social movementsPublications
Rogers, S., Fung, Z., Lamb, V., Gamble, R., Wu, F., and Han, X. “Beyond state politics in Asia’s transboundary rivers: Revisiting two decades of critical hydropolitics.” Geography Compass (2023): e12685.
(2022) “From Online Mass Incidents to Defiant Enclaves: Political Dissent on China’s Internet,” The China Journal, 87(1), 20-39. (co-authored with Shen Yang)
(2021) “State and Society in Extreme Times,” The China Review, 21(1): pp.1-5.
(2020) “Contested environmentalism: the politics of waste in China and Russia,” Environmental Politics, 30 (4), 493-512. (co-authored with Ellie Martus)
(2019) “Is there a U.S.–China–India triangle? – Beijing’s official views”, India Review, 18:4, 437-456. (co-authored with Alexander Korolev)
(2018) “Building Up Alliance and Breaking Down State Monopoly: The Politics of Non-Governmental Disaster Relief in China,” China Quarterly, 234: 463-485. (co-authored with Lin Peng)
(2018) “Change and Resilience in Melanesian Societies,” Global Environmental Politics, 18/2: 151-155. (review essay)
(2018) “Chronic Non-compliance and Ineffective Enforcement in Guangzhou,” China Policy Journal, 1/1. (co-authored with Lin Peng, Yuan Xu and Hua Zhong)
(2017) “Evolving State-Society Relations in China: Introduction,” China Review, 17/2: 1-6.
(2017) “An Emerging Group Name ‘Gongyi’: Ideational Collectivity in China’s Civil Society,” China Review, 17/2: 123-150.
(2017). “Having Peers and Becoming One?: Collective Consciousness among Civil Society Actors in China,” Journal of Contemporary China, 26/106: 564-576.
(2017) “China’s Marine Fishery and Global Ocean Governance,” Global Policy, 8/2: 216-226. Special issue organized by the Hague Institute for Global Justice. (co-authored with Hongzhou Zhang)
(2106) “China’s Ascent in Global Governance and the Arctic,” Vestnik of Saint-Petersburg University. Ser. 6. Political science. International relations, (2016-2): 118–126. DOI: 10.21638/11701/spbu06. 2016.211.
(2016) “Zhongguo yu quanqiu zhili (China and Global Governance),” Zhanlue yu Guanli (Strategy and Management), Issue 2: 180-200. (in Chinese)
(2016) “In the Name of the Public: Environmental Protest and the Changing Landscape of Popular Contention in China,” The China Journal, 75/1: 61-82. (co-authored with H. Christoph Steinhardt)
(2016) “Web 2.0 and Political Participation in China,” VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations. 27 (5): 2055-2076 (co-authored with Shen Yang) [top 10 most cited papers of the journal from 2015-2018]
(2013) “Sino-American Environmental Relations: The Potential of Trans-Societal Linkages”, Issues and Studies. Vol. 49/3: 73-110. [co-authored with Yuan Xu, 75% of contribution]
(2013) “Environmental Activism in Provincial China: Comparative Evidence from Guangdong and Guangxi,” Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, Vol. 15/1: 89-108. (reprinted in Local Environmental Politics in China: Challenges and Innovations, eds. Genia Kostka and Arthur P. J. Mole, London and New York: Routledge. 87-106, 2014.)
(2012) “The Left, Right and Neutral among Social Activists in China,” Taiwan Journal of Democracy, Vol. 8, No. 2: 25-34. (special volume on civil society in East Asia organized by the HYI and the Center for European Studies, Harvard University)
(2012) “Graduated Control and Beyond: The Evolving Governance over Social Organizations in China,” China Perspectives, Vol. 2012/3: 9-17. (co-authored with Kin-Man Chan)
(2011) “Strategic State Engagement in Transnational Activism: AIDS Prevention in China,” Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 20, No. 71: 621-637.
(2009) “Environmental Politics in China: An Issue Area in Review,” Journal of Chinese Political Science 14 No. 4: 383-406. (updated version reprinted in Political Science and Chinese Political Studies, ed. Sujian Guo, Springer : 103-12. 2013.)
(2006) “Global Regime Formation or Complex Institution Building? The Principled Content of International River Agreements,” International Studies Quarterly 50(2): 263-285. [50% of contribution, co-authored with Ken Conca and Ciqi Mei]
(2005) “International Non-Governmental Actors in HIV/AIDS Prevention in China,” Cell Research 15: 919-922. Special Volume on HIV/AIDS Epidemic in China.
(2004) “Environmental GONGO Autonomy: Unintended Consequences of State Strategies in China,” Journal of the Good Society 12(1): 35-45. DOI: 10.1353/gso.2003.0031.
(2002) “Old Brothers or New Partners: GONGOs in Transnational Environmental Advocacy in China.” China Environment Series (Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars), Issue 5: 45-58.
Book Chapters
(2022) “Relevance in a state of flux: Civil society and environmental protection in Kazakhstan”, in Ogawa, A. and Spires, A. (eds), Civil Society and the Authoritarian State in Asia. Preprint DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27209.57446.
(2021) “Environmental Movements in Asia”, in Grasso, M. and Giugni, M. (eds), Routledge Handbook of Environmental Movements, London: Routledge. pp.80-95.
(2019) “China: Climate justice without a movement?” in Climate Futures: Reimagining Global Climate Justice, edited by John Foran, Zed Books: pp.190-199.
(2019) “Policy case study: environment,” in Politics in China, 3rd edition, edited by William Joseph, Oxford University Press: pp. 383-398. (co-authored with Katherine Morton)
(2018) “Climate change in the Arctic: Views from non-Arctic states,” in The Arctic in World Affairs: A North Pacific Dialogue on Arctic 2030 and Beyond: Pathways to the Future, East-West Centre and Korean Maritime Institute: pp. 199-209.
(2017) “Environmental degradation in China”, Chapter 7 in Czes Tubilewicz (ed) Critical Issues in Contemporary China: Unity, Stability and Development (London and New York: Routledge), pp. 105-119. (co-authored with Richard Edmonds)
(2017) “China and shared water resources”, Chapter 4 in Fengshi Wu and Hongzhou Zhang (eds) China’s Global Quest for Resources (London and New York: Routledge), pp. 59-78. (co-authored with Zhifei Li)
(2016) “Social Movement Associations and Activist-Protest Volunteering,” in The Palgrave Research Handbook of Volunteering and Nonprofit Associations (Palgrave Mcmillan, UK), pp. 516-538. (co-authored with Jacob Mwathi Mati and David H. Smith
(2016) “National and Other Supra-Local Associations,” in The Palgrave Research Handbook of Volunteering and Nonprofit Associations (Palgrave Mcmillan, UK), pp. 836-873. (co-authored with David H. Smith and Fengshi Wu)
(2014) “Nongovernmental Organizations and Environmental Protest: Impacts in East Asia,” in Graeme Lang and Paul Harris ed. Routledge Handbook of Environment and Society in Asia: pp. 105-119 (London and New York: Routledge) (85% contribution, co-authored with Wen Bo)
(2014) “Social Mobilization, Collective Action, and Resistance against Environmental Pollution,” in Jianqiang Liu ed. Chinese Research Perspectives on the Environment (Vol. 3) Public Action and Government Accountability. Chapter 2. Leiden: Brill: 31-44. (co-authored with Lin Peng)
(2009) “Introduction: International Environmental NGOs in China,” in Yongchen Wang ed. Green Messengers: A Research of International Environmental NGOs in China. Beijing: Beijing Press: 1-19. (in Chinese)
(2008) “China’s Growing Ecological Footprint: Global Threat or Opportunity for Collaboration?” in Strategies for Meeting 21st Century Security Threats: Perspectives from the United States, Russia and China, eds. Paul J. Bolt, Sharyl Cross and Su Changhe. Prager: Westport, CT. 70-88. (co-authored with Elizabeth C. Economy and Jennifer L. Turner)
(2008) “States and Environmental NGOs in Northeast Asia’s Environmental Security”, in The Environmental Dimension of Asian Security: Conflict and Cooperation over Energy, Resources, And Pollution, eds. In-Taek Hyun and Miranda Schreurs. U.S. Institute for Peace Press: 207-232. (co-authored with Esook Yoon)