Hans-Josef Fell
Energy Watch Group
Based in
Hans-Josef Fell is President of the Energy Watch Group and an internationally renowned energy and climate change advisor, author and speaker. Since the 1970s, Fell has been active in local politics, campaigned as part of anti-nuclear, climate protection and peace movements, and advocated for clean renewable technologies and materials. As member of the German Parliament for the Alliance 90/the Greens from 1998 to 2013, he co-authored the 2000 draft Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG), the foundation for the technology developments of renewables in Germany and worldwide.
Hans-Josef Fell & Thure Traber. 2020. “Key points of a legislative initiative for reliable and adequate renewable energy supply. Sector Coupling and Innovation Act for Renewable Energy (SCIA),” Energy Watch Group (May 2020).
Hans-Josef Fell & Thure Traber. 2019. “Natural Gas Makes No Contribution to Climate Protection,” Natural Gas Study (September 2019).
Hans-Josef Fell. 2019. “The shift from feed-in-tariffs to tenders is hindering the transformation of the global energy supply to renewable energies,” Energy Watch Group (March 2019).
Jörn Schwarz & Hans-Josef Fell. 2016. “Deutsche Klimapolitik – vom Vorreiter zum Bremser,“ ASPO Deutschland & Energy Watch Group (November 2016).
Hans-Josef Fell. 2013. “Global Cooling – Strategies for climate protection,” Beuth (June 2013).
Hans-Josef Fell & Carsten Pfeiffer. 2009. “Chance Energiekrise: Der solare Ausweg aus der fossil-atomaren Sackgasse,“ Beuth (November 2009).