J. Ricky Price
St. John Fisher College
Based in
United States
North America
Ricky holds a PhD in Politics from the New School for Social Research. He is currently an assistant professor at St. John Fisher College in the Political Science and Legal Studies Department. His work integrates the politics of identity, institutions, and science to understand how power operates between our bodies and the state. He specializes in new institutionalism, science and technology studies, and feminist and queer theory.

J. Ricky Price with Chelsea Ebin. “The Great American Rights Bake Off: Freedom of Religion v. Freedom from Discrimination.” New Political Science, Vol 41 (4), Nov 2019.
J. Ricky Price. “Viral Memories: The making of Institutional History and Community Memory in the HIV/AIDS Crisis.” On Curating: What You Don’t Know About AIDS Could Fill a Museum: Curatorial Ethics in the Ongoing Epidemic in the 21st Century, Issue 42, October 14, 2019.
J. Ricky Price. “The Treatment and Prevention of HIV Bodies: The Contemporary Science and Politics of a Thirty-Year-Old Epidemic.” In LGBTQ Politics: A Critical Reader. Eds. Marla Brettschneider, Susan Burgess, and Cricket Keating. 2017, NYU Press.