Jean-Frédéric Morin
Laval University
Based in
North America
Jean-Frédéric Morin is Full Professor at the Political Science Department of Université Laval (Québec City). He is also Canada Research Chair in International Political Economy. His research looks at how international institutions innovate, interact and adapt. His most recent projects focus on the design of environmental agreements, the interplay between trade and environmental policies, and the environmental aspects of outer space governance.

Country(ies) of Specialty
CanadaFocus areas of expertise
Climate policy and politicsPublications
Jinnah, S and JF Morin. 2020. “Greening through Trade: How American Trade Policy Is Linked to Environmental Protection Abroad.” Cambridge: MIT Press.
Morin, JF, A Orsini and S. Jinnah. 2020. “Global Environmental Politics,” Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Morin, J-F and J. Paquin. 2018. “Foreign Policy Analysis: A Toolbox,” Palgrave.
Coman, R., A. Crespy, F. Louault, J-F Morin, J-B Pilet and Emilie, van Haute. 2016. “Méthodes de la science politique: De la question de départ à l’analyse des données,” de Boeck.
Morin, J-F et A. Orsini. 2015. “Politique internationale de l’environnement,” Presses de Sciences Po.
Edited Volumes (since 2014)
Morin, JF. C. Olsson, and EÖ Atikcan, eds. 2021, “Research Methods in the Social Sciences: An A-Z of Key Concepts,” Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Morin, J-F and A. Orsini, eds.2021. “Essential Concepts of Global Environmental Governance (2nd edition),” Routledge, 310 p.
Coman, R. and J-F Morin, eds. 2015. “Political Science in Motion: The Evolution of a Discipline Through its Journals,” Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles.
Morin, JF, T. Novotna, F. Ponjaert and M. Telò, eds. 2015. “The Politics of Transatlantic Trade Negotiations,” Routledge.
Morin, J-F and A. Orsini, eds. 2014. “Essential Concepts of Global Environmental Governance (1st edition),” Routledge, 252 p.
Carta, C. and J-F Morin, eds. 2014. “Making Sense of Diversity: EU’s Foreign Policy through the Lenses of Discourse Analysis,” Ashgate, 272 p
Articles (since 2014)
Morin, JF and B. Richard. 2021. “Astro-Environmentalism: Toward a Polycentric Governance of Space Debris“, Global Policy, accepted for publication.
Morin, JF, B. Tremblay-Auger, and C Peacock. 2021. “Design Trade-Offs Under Power Asymmetry: COPs and Flexibility Clauses“, Global Environmental Politics, accepted for publication.
Kim, R. and JF Morin. 2021. “Massive Institutional Structures in Global Governance: A Bird’s-eye View of the Trade-Environment Supercluster Complex“, Global Environmental Politics, accepted for publication.
Blümer, D., JF Morin, C. Brandi and A Berger. 2020. “Environmental provisions in trade agreements: Defending regulatory space or pursuing offensive interests?” Environmental Politics 29(5): 866-889
Morin, JF and M Cartwright. 2020. “The US’ and EU’s Intellectual Property Initiatives in Asia: Competition, Coordination or Replication?” Global Policy.
Morin, JF and J Surbeck. 2020 “Mapping the New Frontier of International IP Law: Introducing a TRIPs-plus Dataset” World Trade Review 19(1): 109-122.
Morin, JF. 2020. “Concentration Despite Competition: The Organizational Ecology of Technical Assistance Providers“, Review of International Organizations 15(1): 75-107.
Brandi, C, Schwab, J, Berger, A and JF Morin. 2020. “Do Environmental Provisions in Trade Agreements Make Exports from Developing Countries Greener?” World Development. 129, 104899.
Hollway, J, JF Morin and J Pauwelyn. 2020. “Structural Conditions for Novelty: The Introduction of New Environmental Clauses to the Trade Regime Complex” International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 20(1): 61-83.
Mitchell, R, L. Andonova, M. Axelrod, J. Balsiger, T. Bernauer, J. Green, J. Hollway, R. Kim and JF Morin. 2020. “What We Know (And Could Know) About International Environmental Agreements“, Global Environmental Politics. 20(1) : 103-121.
Laurens, N and JF Morin. 2019. “Negotiating Environmental Protection in Trade Agreements: A Regime Shift or a Tactical Linkage?” International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 19(6), 533-556.
Laurens, N, Z Dove, JF Morin and S. Jinnah. 2019. “NAFTA 2.0: The Greenest Trade Agreement Ever?“, World Trade Review 18(4) : 659-677.
Morin, JF and C. Blouin. 2019. ‘How Environmental Treaties Contribute to Global Health Governance“, Globalization and Health 15:47.
Brandi, C, D. Blümer and JF Morin. 2019. “When Do International Treaties Matter for Domestic Environmental Legislation?” Global Environmental Politics 19(4): 14-44.
Morin, JF, D Blümer, C. Brandi, and A. Berger. 2019 “Kick-starting diffusion: Explaining the varying frequency of PTAs’ environmental clauses by their initial conditions“, World Economy 42(9): 2602-2628.
Morin, JF and L. Gomez-Mera. 2019. “The Evolution of Governance Systems: the Case of the Trade Regime” International Studies Review, 22(4):15-20.
Morin, JF, H Dobson, C. Peacock, M. Prys-Hansen, A. Anne, L. Belanger, P. Dietsch, J. Fabian, J. Kirton, R. Marchetti, S. Romano, M. Schreurs, A. Silve et E. Vallet. 2019., “How Informality Can Address Emerging Issues: Making the Most of the G7“, Global Policy, vol. 10(2): 267-273.
Gold, R., J-F Morin and E. Shadeed. 2019. “Does Intellectual Property Lead to Economic Growth? Insights from an Improved IP Dataset” Regulation & Governance, vol. 13(1): 107-124.
Morin, JF, A Dür, L. Lechner. 2018. “Mapping the Trade and Environment Nexus: Insights from a New Dataset“, Global Environmental Politics, vol. 18(1).
Morin, JF, O. Serrano, M. Burri, and S. Bannerman. 2018. “Rising Economies in the International Patent Regime: From Rule-Breakers to Rule-Changers and Rule-Makers“, New Political Economy, 23(3): 255-273.
Morin, JF and S. Jinnah. 2018. “The Untapped Potential of Preferential Trade Agreements for Climate Governance“, Environmental Politics, vol. 27(3): 541-565.
Meunier, S. and JF Morin. 2017. “The European Union and the Space-Time Continuum of Investment Agreements“, Journal of European Integration, vol. 39(7): 891-907.
Morin, JF and M. Rochette. 2017. “Transatlantic Convergence of PTAs’ Environmental Clauses” Business and Politics, vol. 19(4): 621-658.
Morin, JF, J. Pauwelyn, and J. Hollway. 2017. “The Trade Regime as a Complex Adaptive System: Exploration and Exploitation of Environmental Norms in Trade Agreements“, Journal of International Economic Law, vol. 20(2): 365-390.
Orsini, A, S. Louafi and JF Morin. 2017. “Boundary Concepts for Boundary Work Between Science and Technology Studies and International Relations“, Review of Policy Research, vol. 34(6): 34-743
Morin, JF and R. Gold. 2016. “International Socialization at the State and Individual Levels: Mixed Evidence from Intellectual Property“, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, vol 29(4): 1375-1395.
Morin, JF, S. Louafi, A. Orsini and M. Oubenal. 2017. “Boundary Organizations in Regime Complexes: A Social Network Profile of IPBES“, Journal of International Relations and Development, 20(3): 543-577.
Morin, JF and R. Gold, 2014. “An Integrated Model for Legal Transplantation: The Diffusion of Intellectual Property Law in Developing Countries”, International Studies Quarterly, vol. 58(4): 781-792.
Carta, C. and JF Morin. 2014. “Struggling over Meanings: Discourses on EU’s International Presence”, Cooperation and Conflict, vol. 49(3): 295-314.
Morin, JF. 2014. “Paradigm Shift in the Global IP Regime: The Agency of Academics”, Review of International Political Economy, vol. 21(2): 275-309.
Morin, JF. and C. Carta. 2014. “Overlapping and Evolving European Discourses on Market Liberalization“, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, vol. 16(1): 117- 132.
Morin, JF and A. Orsini. 2014. “Policy Coherency and Regime Complexes: The Case of Genetic Resources”, Review of International Studies, vol. 40(2): 303-324.