Jeffrey Broadbent
University of Minnesota
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North America
Jeffrey Broadbent. (Ph.D. Harvard University 1982). Professor emeritus, Department of Sociology, University of Minnesota. Specialization in comparative political sociology, culture and networks. His book Environmental Politics in Japan: Networks of Power and Protest (Cambridge, 1998) received two academic awards. Co-author of Comparing Policy Networks: Labor Politics in the US, Germany and Japan (Cambridge U Press, 1996). Founder in 2007 of Compon (COMparing climate change POlicy Networks) project on the politics of emissions reductions with teams in 25 societies. Co-editor East Asian Social Movements: Power, Conflict and Change in a Dynamic Region (Springer, 2011). Many journal articles and chapters.

Ylä-Anttila T, Gronow A, Stoddart M, Broadbent J, Schneider V, Tindall D. 2018. “Climate change policy networks: Why and how to compare them across countries,” Energy Research and Social Science (2018) 45
Anna Kukkonen, Tuomas Ylä-Anttila, Pradip Swarnakar, Jeffrey Broadbent, Myanna Lahsen, Mark C.J. Stoddart. 2018. “International organizations, advocacy coalitions, and domestication of global norms: Debates on climate change in Canada, the US, Brazil, and India.” Environmental Science & Policy, Volume 81, March 2018, Pages 54-62. On-line open access version. Print version March 18, 2018.
Anna Kukkonen, Tuomas Ylä-Anttila, Jeffrey Broadbent. 2017. “Advocacy Coalitions, Beliefs and Climate Change Policy in the United States,” Public Administration. Uses the US Compon media data to examine the difference between core beliefs and policy advocacy stances as clustering principles in advocacy discourse coalitions in the US.
Jeffrey Broadbent. 2017. “Climate Change Policy Networks Cross-National,” in The Oxford Handbook of Political Networks, sponsored by the Political Networks Section of the American Political Science Association. Editors: Jennifer Nicoll Victor (George Mason University), Mark Lubell (UC Davis), Alexander H. Montgomery (Reed College) Oxford University Press. Print version.
Jeffrey Broadbent, John Sonnett and 35 other co-authors. 2016. “Conflicting Climate Change Frames in a Global Field of Media Discourse” Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World. Vol. 2. October 25. The capstone paper for Phase One of the Compon project. Open access.