Jessica F. Green
University of Toronto
Based in
North America
Jessica Green is a professor at the University of Toronto, studying the global politics of climate change, carbon markets, fossil fuel companies and the role of non-state actors. She is interested in the political obstacles to decarbonization and the political processes that can help overcome them.

Country(ies) of Specialty
United States CanadaFocus areas of expertise
Climate policy and politics Net Zero Social movementsPublications
Jessica F. Green. Forthcoming. “Climate Change Governance: Past, Present and (hopefully) Future.” In The Future of Global Governance, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Forthcoming).
Jessica F. Green. Forthcoming. “Greenhouse Gas Accounting and the Dynamics of Global Administrative Law,” (Forthcoming).
Jessica F. Green. 2021. “Does carbon pricing reduce emissions? A review of ex-post analyses,” Environmental Research Letters (March 2021).
Jessica F. Green. 2021. “Beyond Carbon Pricing: Tax Reform is Climate Policy,” Global Policy (February 2021).
Jessica F. Green, Jeff Colgan, & Thomas N. Hale. 2021. “Asset Revaluation and the Existential Politics of Climate Change,” International Organization (2021).
Jessica F. Green. 2020. “Less Talk More Walk: Why Climate Change Demands Activism in the Academy,” Daedalus (2020).
Ronald B. Mitchell et al. 2020. “What We Know (and Could Know) about International Environmental Agreements,” Global Environmental Politics (February 2020).
Jessica F. Green. 2018. “Transnational Delegation in Global Environmental Governance: When do non-state actors govern?” Regulation and Governance (June 2018).
Jessica F. Green. 2018. “From Green to REDD: Protean Power and the Politics of Carbon Sinks.” In Protean Power: Exploring the Unexpected in World Politics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (January 2018).
Jessica F. Green. 2017. “Blurred Lines: Public-Private Interactions in Carbon Regulations,” International Interactions (2017).
Jessica F. Green. 2017. “Policy entrepreneurship in climate governance: Toward a comparative approach,” Environment and Planning C (October 2017).
Jessica F. Green. 2017. “The Strength of Weakness: Pseudo-Clubs in the Climate Regime,” Climatic Change (September 2017).
Jessica F. Green & Thomas N. Hale. 2017. “Reversing the Marginalization of Global Environmental Politics in International Relations: An Opportunity for the Discipline,” Political Science and Politics (April 2017).
Jessica F. Green. 2017. “Don’t Link Carbon Markets,” Nature (March 2017).
Jessica F. Green, Thomas Sterner, & Gernot Wagner. 2014. “A balance of bottom-up and top-down in linking climate policies,” Nature Climate Change (December 2014).
Jessica F. Green. 2014. “Order out of Chaos: Publica and Private Rules for Managing Carbon,” Global Environmental Politics (January 2014).
Jessica F. Green & Jeff Colgan. 2013. “Protecting Sovereignty, Protecting the Planet: State Delegation to International Organizations and Private Actors in Environmental Politics,” Governance (July 2013).
Jessica F. Green. 2010. “Private Standards in the Climate Regime: The Greenhouse Gas Protocol,” Business and Politics (October 2010).
Jessica F. Green. 2008. “Delegation and Accountability in the Clean Development Mechanism: The New Authority of Non-state Actors,” Journal of International Law and International Relations (June 2008).