Jonas Meckling
University of California, Berkeley
Based in
United States
North America
Jonas Meckling is an Associate Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, where he leads the Energy and Environment Policy Lab.
Dr. Meckling studies the politics of climate and clean energy policy. He publishes his research in leading journals, including Nature Climate Change, Nature Energy and Science. Professor Meckling is author of the book Carbon Coalitions: Business, Climate Politics, and the Rise of Emissions Trading (MIT Press).
He received multiple awards for his research, including the American Political Science Association’s Emerging Young Scholar Award in the field of science, technology, and environmental politics. In 2021, Jonas Meckling was the Coleman P. Burke Distinguished Visiting Associate Professor at Yale University.
Before joining Berkeley, he served as Senior Advisor to the German Minister for the Environment and Renewable Energy, was a Research Fellow at Harvard University, and worked at the European Commission. He holds a Ph.D. from the London School of Economics.

Country(ies) of Specialty
United States GermanyFocus areas of expertise
Climate policy and politics Renewable energyPublications
Meckling J. and J. Strecker (2022). Green Bargains: Leveraging Public Investment to Advance Climate Regulation. Climate Policy.
Meckling J., Lipscy, P., Finnegan, J., Metz, F. (2022). Why Nations Lead or Lag in Energy Transitions. Science 378(6615): 31-33.
Meckling J., Galeazzi, C., Shears, E., Xu, T., Anadon, L.D. (2022). Energy Innovation Funding and Institutions in Major Economies. Nature Energy 7: 876-885.
Trachtman, S. and J. Meckling (2022). The Climate Advocacy Gap. Climatic Change 172: 24.
J. Meckling, J. E. Aldy, M. J. Kotchen, S. Carley, D. C. Esty, P. A. Raymond, B. Tonkonogy, C.Harper, G. Sawyer & J. Sweatman “Busting the myths around public investment in clean energy,”
Meckling J, Nahm J. (2021). “Strategic State Capacity: How States Counter Opposition to Climate Policy,” Comparative Political Studies. July 16, 2021:00104140211024308.
Allan, B. B. and J. Meckling (2021). Creative Learning and Policy Ideas: The Global Rise of Green Growth. Perspectives on Politics.
A Policy Roadmap for Negative Emissions Using Direct Air Capture
Meckling, J. and E. Biber (2021). Nature Communications 12: 2051.
The Evolution of Ideas in Global Climate Policy
Meckling, J. and B. B. Allan (2020). Nature Climate Change 10: 434-438.
A New Path for U.S. Climate Politics: Choosing Policies That Mobilize Business for Decarbonization
Meckling, J. (2019). Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences 685(1): 82-95.
The Politics of Technology Bans: Industrial Policy Competition and Green Goals for the Auto Industry
Meckling, J. and J. Nahm (2019). Energy Policy 126: 470-479.
Global Interdependence in Clean Energy Transitions
Meckling, J. and L. Hughes (2018). Business and Politics 4(20): 467-491.
When Do States Disrupt Industries? Electric Cars and the Politics of Innovation
Meckling, J. and J. Nahm (2018). Review of International Political Economy 25(4): 505-529.
The Power of Process: State Capacity and Climate Policy
Meckling, J. and J. Nahm (2018). Governance 31(4): 741-757.
Winner, Evan J. Ringquist Best Paper Award, American Political Science Association
The Developmental State in Global Regulation: Economic Change and Climate Policy
Meckling, J. (2018). European Journal of International Relations 24(1): 58-81.
Who Wins in Renewable Energy? Evidence from Europe and the United States
Kelsey, N. and J. Meckling (2018). Energy Research and Social Science 37: 65-73.
Policy Sequencing toward Decarbonization
Meckling, J., Sterner, T., Wagner, G. (2017). Nature Energy 2(12): 918-922.
Winning Coalitions for Climate Policy: Green Industrial Policy Builds Support for Carbon Regulation
Meckling, J., Kelsey, N., Biber, E., Zysman, J. (2015). Science 349(6253): 1170-1171.
Media coverage: Vox, ClimateWire, Grist, ScienceDaily, Yahoo, Utility Dive, Legal Planet
Oppose, Support, or Hedge? Distributional Effects, Regulatory Pressure, and Business Strategy in Environmental Politics
Meckling, J. (2015). Global Environmental Politics 15(2): 19-37. Lead article.
The Globalization of Carbon Trading: Transnational Business Coalitions in Climate Politics
Meckling, J. (2011). Global Environmental Politics 11(2): 26-50.