Jose A. Moreno
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Based in
Jose Antonio Moreno is a Predoctoral Fellow within the PhD program in Communication at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) of Barcelona. He holds a Degree in Journalism (University of Seville, 2017) and a MA in International Studies on Media, Power and Difference (UPF, 2019). Member of the Critical Communication Research Group (CRITICC) and the research project THINKClima (CSO2016-78421-R) in the Communication Department at UPF. His research line revolves around climate change denial, journalism, and interest groups.

Country(ies) of Specialty
SpainFocus areas of expertise
Communications researchPublications
Almiron N, Rodrigo-Alsina M, Moreno JA.2021. “Manufacturing ignorance: think tanks, climate change and the animal-based diet,” June 9, 2021:1-22.
Almiron, Núria, and Jose A. Moreno. “Beyond Climate Change Denialism. Conceptual Challenges in Communicating Climate Action Obstruction.” Ámbitos. Revista Internacional de Comunicación, no. 55, 2022, pp. 9–23. (Crossref),
Almiron, Núria, and Jose A. Moreno. “Think Tanks Neoliberales y Falsos Debates: La Propuesta Del Impuesto a La Carne Para Combatir La Crisis Climática.” La Comunicación Del Cambio Climático, Una Herramienta Ante El Gran Desafío, edited by Daniel Rodrigo-Cano et al., Dykinson, 2021, pp. 222–48,
Moreno, Jose A., et al. “A Stronghold of Climate Change Denialism in Germany: Case Study of the Output and Press Representation of the Think Tank EIKE.” International Journal of Communication, vol. 16, 2022, pp. 267–88.
Moreno, Jose A., and Núria Almiron. “Representación En La Prensa Española Del Papel de La Agricultura Animal En La Crisis Climática.” Estudios Sobre El Mensaje Periodístico, vol. 27, no. 1, Jan. 2021, pp. 349–64. (Crossref),
Moreno, Jose A., and Noelia Ruiz-Alba. “Journalism or greenwashing? Sponsors of COP25 Chile-Madrid in the Spanish press.” Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación, vol. 12, no. 2, July 2021, pp. 285–300,
Moreno, Jose A., and Gina Thornton. “Climate action obstruction in the Spanish far right: The Vox’s amendment to the Climate Change Law and its press representation.” Ámbitos. Revista Internacional de Comunicación, no. 55, 2022, pp. 25–40. (Crossref),
Moreno, Jose A. “Estructura Informativa y Cambio Climático: El Caso de ‘El País.’” La Comunicación de La Mitigación y La Adaptación al Cambio Climático, edited by Rogelio Fernández-Reyes and Daniel Rodrigo-Cano, Egregius, 2018, pp. 77–98,