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Joshua A Basseches

Tulane University

Based in

United States
North America

Joshua Basseches’ research focuses on energy and climate policy and politics in the U.S. states. He examines the roles of business interests, environmental and consumer advocacy organizations, and state-level policymakers in shaping the content of the policies that have emerged. Joshua is especially interested in the role of investor-owned utilities, and how the unique aspects of their business model and regulatory considerations affect their policy preferences when it comes to state-level renewable energy policy.

Country(ies) of Specialty

United States Canada Mexico

Focus areas of expertise

Climate policy and politics Climate law and litigation Climate Justice Social movements

How to Connect



Galen Hall, Joshua A. Basseches, Rebecca Bromley-Trujillo, and Trevor Culhane. 2024. “CHORUS: A New Dataset of State Interest Group Policy Positions in the United States.” State Politics and Policy Quarterly.

Basseches, Joshua A., Michael C. Campbell, and Heather Schoenfeld. 2024. “Levaraging the Insights of Depth: A Staged Strategy for Building Qualitative Case Studies of American State-Level Policy.” Social Science Quarterly 105(2):359-373.

Basseches, Joshua A. 2024. “Renewable Portfolio/Clean Energy Standards.” Elgar Encyclopedia of Climate Policy.” Northampton, MA: Elgar.

Joshua A. Basseches. 2023. “Who Pays for Environmental Policy? Business Power and the Design of State-Level Climate Policies.” Politics and Society

Joshua A. Basseches, Nwamaka Ikenze. 2022. “The U.S.-Canada (Clean) Electricity Relationship: Challenges and Opportunities in Policy Design and Coordination,” North American Colloquium (NAC) on Climate Policy, Invited Paper Series (March 2022).

Joshua A. Basseches,  Rebecca Bromley‑Trujillo, Maxwell T. Boykoff, Trevor Culhane, Galen Hall, Noel Healy, David J. Hess, David Hsu, Rachel M. Krause, Harland Prechel, J. Timmons Roberts, Jennie C. Stephens. 2022. Climate policy conflict in the U.S. states: a critical review and way forward, Climatic Change, 170(3-4).

Joshua A. Basseches. Forthcoming. “California Cap-and-Trade: History, Design, Effectiveness.” In Contesting Carbon,  Routledge (Forthcoming).

Joshua A. Basseches, Kaitlyn Rubinstein, and Sarah M. Kulaga. 2021. “Coalitions That Clash: California’s Climate Leadership and the Perpetuation of Environmental Inequality,” Research in Political Sociology (July 2021).

Joshua A. Basseches. 2019. “‘It Happened Behind Closed Doors:’ Legislative Buffering as an Informal Mechanism of Political Mediation,” Mobilization: An International Quarterly (September 2019).

Joshua A. Basseches. 2018. “How Investor-Owned Utilities Can Be Induced to Support Reforms to Mitigate Climate Change,” Scholars Strategy Network Policy Brief (December 2018).