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Julia Robertson Hathaway

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Based in

United States
North America

I am a practitioner and scholar with deep experience in climate change, environmental, and social change arenas. I have developed broad expertise through public service on Capitol Hill and in federal agencies, as well as working for environmental and grassroots nonprofits. My professional history reflects leadership in developing, executing, and assessing issue campaigns and stakeholder-driven initiatives, including building and managing diverse coalitions. My interests include climate change communication, reciprocal relationship as a factor in achieving impact, and equity as an imperative for creating a safe and just society.

Country(ies) of Specialty

United States

Focus areas of expertise

Climate policy and politics Communications research Climate Justice Behavioral action

How to Connect



Science communication lead for Office of Atmospheric Protection division focused on the power sector. Ensure science communication research insights underpin programmatic strategy, approaches to research and data analysis, regulatory development, and rollout of agency initiatives as the U.S. power sector transforms. Direct division environmental justice team, including implementing engagement programs and producing products to enable two-way communication and continuous learning.