Julia Schubert
Goethe University Frankfurt
Based in
Julia Schubert is a sociologist working in Science and Technology Studies. Her research explores interrelations between science and politics. In particular, she has worked on the rise of so-called climate engineering proposals.
Julia is post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Science Studies and Management at the University of Speyer, as well as a young fellow at Bielefeld University’s Institute for Advanced Study (ZiF) and a member of the UNESCO World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST).

Country(ies) of Specialty
GermanyFocus areas of expertise
Climate policy and politics History GeoengineeringPublications
Julia Schubert. 2023. The Politics of Climate Engineering Research. In Z. Baker, T. Law, M. Vardy, S. Zehr (ed.), Climate, Science and Society: A Primer, Routledge.
Julia Schubert. 2023. Climate Engineering. Sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf eine Emerging Technology. In M. Sonnberger, A. Bleicher, M. Groß, Handbuch für Umweltsoziologie (pp. 1–14). Dodrecht: Springer.
Julia Schubert. 2023. Soziologie der Expertise. In D. Kaldewey (ed.), Wissenschaftsforschung: Grundbegriffe, Forschungsfelder und Forschungsfragen. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Julian Hamann, Julia Schubert. 2023. Nützliche Forschung: Die Bewertung und Vermessung der gesellschaftlichen Relevanz von Wissenschaft. In D. Kaldewey (ed.), Wissenschaftsforschung: Grundbegriffe, Forschungsfelder und Forschungsfragen. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Michael Hölscher, Julia Schubert. 2022. Universities between Inter- and Re-Nationalization: An Introduction. Global Perspectives(2022) 3(1). University of California Press.
Julia Schubert. 2022. Science-State Alliances and Climate Engineering: A “Longue-Durée” Picture. WIREs Climate Change.
Julia Schubert. 2021. Engineering the Climate: Science, Politics, and Visions of Control. Manchester: Mattering Press.
Julia Schubert. 2021. “Die Politische Wirkmacht Wissenschaftlicher Expertise. Natürliche Analogien und Theoretische Experimente in U.S. Amerikanischer Geoengineering Politik.” In: Urs Büttner and Dorit Müller (eds.). Dritte Natur: Climate Engineering, (3) 2021. Berlin: Matthes & Seitz.
David Kaldewey, Daniela Russ, & Julia Schubert. 2020. “The Politics of Technoscience: From National Visions to Global Problems.” In TechnoScienceSociety, Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook (2020).
Julian Hamann, David Kaldewey, & Julia Schubert. 2019. “Ist gesellschaftliche Relevanz von Forschung bewertbar, und wenn ja, wie?” Austrian Academy of Sciences (2019).
Julia Schubert. 2019. “Measuring, Modeling, Controlling the Climate? Numerical Expertise in U.S. Geoengineering Politics.” In Working Numbers. Science and Contemporary Politics, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (June 2019).
Julia Schubert. 2016. “The Organizational Interface of Science and Politics. Towards a Conceptual Framework,“ Der moderne Staat – Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management (2016).