Kate J. Neville
University of Toronto
Based in
North America
Kate’s research examines the intersection of global markets and local places, with a focus on natural resources and energy. Much of her work assesses the social and ecological consequences of energy sources and technologies aimed at reducing carbon emissions. Her first book, Fueling Resistance, considers the intersection of political economy and social movements in shaping local responses to biofuels and fracking in the global South and North.

Country(ies) of Specialty
Focus areas of expertise
Climate Justice Fossil fuels Renewable energy Social movementsPublications
Neville, KJ, & Martin, SJ. 2022. “Slow justice: A framework for tracing diffusion and legacies of resistance.” Social Movement Studies.
Neville, KJ. 2021. “Fueling resistance: The contentious political economy of biofuels and fracking.” Oxford University Press.
Cohen, A, Matthew, M, Neville, KJ, & Wrightson, K. 2021. “Colonialism in community-based monitoring: Knowledge systems, finance, and power in Canada“. Annals of the American Association of Geographers.
Baka, J, Hesse, A, Neville, KJ, Weinthal, E, & Bakker, K. 2020. “Disclosing Influence: Hydraulic fracturing, interest groups, and state policy processes in the United States.” Energy Research & Social Science, 70: 101734.
Neville, KJ. 2020. “Shadows of divestment: The complications of diverting fossil fuel finance.” Global Environmental Politics, 20(2): 3-11.
Neville, KJ, & Coulthard, G. 2019. “Introduction to the special issue—Transformative water relations: Indigenous interventions in global political economies.” Global Environmental Politics, 19(3).
Neville, KJ, Cook, J, Baka, J, Bakker, K, & Weinthal, E. 2019. “Can shareholder advocacy shape global energy governance? The case of the US anti-fracking movement.” Review of International Political Economy, 26(1): 104-133.
Litzow, E, Neville, KJ, Johnson-King, B, & Weinthal, E. 2018. “Why does industry structure matter for unconventional oil and gas development? Examining regulatory and local impacts in North Dakota.” Energy Research & Social Science, 44: 371-384,
Baka, J, Neville, KJ, Weinthal, E, & Bakker, K. 2018. “Agenda-setting at the energy-water nexus: constructing and maintaining a policy monopoly in US hydraulic fracturing regulation.” Review of Policy Research, 35(3): 439-465,
Neville, KJ, Baka, J., Gamper-Rabindran, S., Bakker, K., Andreasson, S., Vengosh, A., Lin, A., Nem Singh, J. & Weinthal, E. 2017. “Debating unconventional energy: Social, political, and economic implications.” Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 42: 241-266.