Kirsti M. Jylhä
Institute for Futures Studies
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Kirsti Jylhä is a researcher at the Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm, Sweden. She received her doctorate at Uppsala University in September 2016. In her PhD research, she studied the role of ideological attitudes and personality dispositions in explaining variation in climate change denial, such as the tendency to believe that human activities are not causing changes in the climate system and that these changes will not have serious consequences. In her current research, the focus is more broadly on different views, emotions, and behaviors rerated to environmental issues. Jylhä is a board member of the Association for Climate and Environmental Communication Science (Ilvies RY, in Finland), that aims to develop both research and public impact of environmental communication and related fields.

Country(ies) of Specialty
SwedenFocus areas of expertise
Behavioral action Public opinionPublications
Stanley, S.K., Jylhä, K.M., Leviston, Z., & Walker, I. (2023). Is conservative opposition to climate change threat-based? Articulating an integrated threat model of climate change attitudes. British Journal of Social Psychology.
Lyytimäki, J., Teperi, A.-M., Jylhä, K. M., da Silva Vieira, R., & Mervaala, E. (2023). Dark side of resilience: Systemic unsustainability. Frontiers in Sustainability, 4:1241553.
Jylhä, K. M., Stanley, S., Ojala, M., & Clarke, E. J. R. (2023). Science denial: A narrative review and recommendations for future research and practice. European Psychologist, 28(3), 151-161.
Mosquera, J., & Jylhä, K. M. (2022). How to feel about climate change? An analysis of the normativity of climate emotions. International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 30(3), 357-380.
Sangervo, J., Jylhä, K. M., & Pihkala, P. (2022). Climate anxiety: Conceptual considerations, and connections with climate hope and action. Global Environmental Change, 76, 102569.
Pihkala, P., Sangervo, J., & Jylhä, K. M. (2022). Nuorten ilmastoahdistus ja ympäristötunteet [Climate anxiety and environmental emotions of young people]. In T. Kiilakoski (Ed.), Doing things sustainably. Youth Barometer 2021. Helsinki: Ministry of Education and Culture, The State Youth Council, and The Finnish Youth Research Network.
Jylhä, K. M., Tam, K.-P., & Milfont, T. L. (2020). Acceptance of group‐based dominance and climate change denial: A cross‐cultural study in Hong Kong, New Zealand, and Sweden. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 24(2), 198-207.
Jylhä, K. M., Strimling, P., & Rydgren, J. (2020). Climate change denial among radical right-wing supporters. Sustainability, 12(23), 10226
Jylhä, K. M. & Hellmer, K. (2020). Right‐wing populism and climate change denial: The roles of exclusionary and anti‐egalitarian preferences, conservative ideology, and antiestablishment attitudes. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 20(1), 315-335.
Jylhä, K. M., Cantal, C., Akrami, N. & Milfont, T. L. (2016). Denial of anthropogenic climate change: Social dominance orientation helps explain the conservative male effect in Brazil and Sweden. Personality and Individual Differences, 98, 184-187.
Jylhä, K. M. & Akrami, N. (2015). Social dominance orientation and climate change denial: The role of dominance and system justification. Personality and Individual Differences, 86, 108-111.
Häkkinen, K. & Akrami, N. (2014). Ideology and climate change denial. Personality and Individual Differences, 70, 62-65.
Books and Chapters
Ekberg, K., Forchtner, B., Hultman, M., & Jylhä, K. M. (2022). Climate obstruction: How denial, delay and inaction are heating the planet. Routledge.
Pihkala, P., Cantell, H., Jylhä, K. M., Lyytimäki, J., Paloniemi, R., Pulkka, A., & Ratinen, I. (2020). Ahdistuksen vai innostuksen ilmasto? Ilmastoviestinnän ja -kasvatuksen keinoja ilmastoahdistuksesta selviytymiseen [A climate of anxiety or enthusiasm? Means of climate communication and -education for coping with climate anxiety]. In E. Pekkarinen, & T. Tuukkanen (Eds). Maapallon tulevaisuus ja lapsen oikeudet [Future of the planet and the rights of the child]. Office of the Ombudsman for Children in Finland.
Jylhä, K. M. (2018). Denial versus reality of climate change. In D. DellaSala, & M. Goldstein (Eds). Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene. Elsevier.
Jylhä, K. M. (2016). Refusing to acknowledge the problem: Interests of the few, implications for the many. In G. Sosa-Nunez, & E. Atkins (Eds). E-IR Edited Collections: Environment, climate change and international relations. E-International Relations Publishing.
Popular Scientific Publications
Jylhä, K. M. (2021). Denial. The royal society for arts, manufactures and commerce: RSA Journal Issue 4.
Jylhä, K. M. (2021). Humans as a part of the problem and solutions for climate change / Människan som del av problem och lösningar i klimatfrågan, chapter in the Exhibition catalogue of Bigert & Bergströms Tipping Point.
Jylhä, K. M. (2017). Vem engagerar sig för klimatet? (in English: Who is committed to the climate?). Modern Psykologi.