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Laurel Besco

University of Toronto Mississauga

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North America

Laurel Besco is an Associate Professor cross-appointed between in the Department of Geography, Geomatics, and Environment and the Institute for Management & Innovation at the University of Toronto Mississauga. Her research focuses on innovative design and implementation of law and policy tools to address large-scale sustainability issues. Her current research projects relate to government interventions to generate energy efficiency norms amongst corporate actors and approaches to improve sustainability in the aviation sector.

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Page, Jae & Besco, Laurel. (2021) Dispossession through Collision: Low-Earth Orbit and Planetary Sustainability. Territory, Politics, Governance.

Besco, Laurel & Kirk, Elizabeth. (2021) Industry perceptions of government interventions: generating an energy efficiency norm. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 23(1), 130-142.

Mackie, Colin & Besco, Laurel (2020). The Idea of Prospective Responsibility for End-of-Life Obligations. Environmental Law Reporter, News and Analysis, 50(7), 10573-10603.

Hughes, Sara, Yordi, Samer & Besco, Laurel. (2018). The Role of Pilot Projects In Urban Climate Change Policy Innovation. Policy Studies Journal, doi: 10.1111/psj.12288.

Besco, Laurel. (2018). Responses to the Clean Power Plan: Factors Influencing State Decision-Making. Review of Policy Research, 35(5), 670-690.

Besco, Laurel. (2018). Judicial Education for Sustainability. McGill Journal of Sustainable Development Law, 14(1), 1-28.

Chalifour, Nathalie & Besco, Laurel. (2018). Taking Flight – Federal Action to Mitigate Canada’s GHG Emissions from Aviation. Ottawa Law Review, 48(2).

Besco, Laurel. (2014). Green productivity: clarifying terminology and concepts. International Journal of Sustainable Economy, 6(4), 406-425.