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Lawrence Hamilton

University of New Hampshire

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United States
North America

Lawrence (Larry) Hamilton is Professor of Sociology and Senior Fellow at the Carsey School of Public Policy at the University of New Hampshire. His research on human-environment interactions, in regional settings from New England and Oregon to Alaska, Greenland or the circumpolar North, often involves interdisciplinary collaborations that integrate social with natural science. He also conducts survey research on US public perceptions of science, connecting topics such as climate change and COVID-19. Recent publications include articles in Climatic Change, Conservation Science and Practice, Environmental Research Letters, Weather Climate and Society, and Sociological Perspectives.

Country(ies) of Specialty

United States

Focus areas of expertise

Climate policy and politics Scientific assessments Public opinion

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Brown, A. & L.C. Hamilton. 2021. “Interaction effects on support for climate-change mitigation.” Social Science Quarterly 102:2649–2660.

Hamilton, L.C. & T.G. Safford. 2021. “Elite cues and the rapid decline of trust in scientists on COVID-19.” Sociological Perspectives 102:2482–2498.

Hamilton, L.C. 2021. “The slow dawn of climate-change awareness, and its challenge for a sustainable planet.” Durham, NH: Carsey School of Public Policy.

Hamilton, L. & T. Safford. 2021. “The worst is behind us: Media choice and false optimism in the summer of 2020.” Academia Letters, article 232.

Hamilton, L.C., J.E. Lambert, L.A. Lawhon, J. Salerno & J. Hartter. 2020. “Wolves are back: Sociopolitical identity and opinions on management of Canis lupus.” Conservation Science and Practice 2(7).

Hamilton, L.C. 2020. “Two kinds of polar knowledge.” Journal of Geoscience Education 69(2):106–112.

Hamilton, L.C. & T.G. Safford. 2020. “Trusting scientists more than the government: New Hampshire perceptions of the pandemic.” Durham, NH: Carsey School of Public Policy.

Safford, T.G. & L.C. Hamilton. 2020. “Views of a fast-moving pandemic: A survey of Granite Staters’ responses to COVID-19.” Durham, NH: Carsey School of Public Policy.

Hamilton, L.C. & T.G. Safford. 2020. “Ideology affects trust in science agencies during a pandemic.” Durham, NH: Carsey School of Public Policy.

Hamilton, L.C., J. Hartter & C. Grimm. 2020. “Sociopolitical silos: Environmental views and the multiplicative effects of same-party friends.”

Hamilton, L.C. & T.G. Safford. 2020. “Conservative media consumers less likely to wear masks and less worried about COVID-19.” Durham, NH: Carsey School of Public Policy.

Hamilton, L.C., J. Hartter & E. Bell. 2019. “Generation gaps in U.S. public opinion on renewable energy and climate change.” PLoS One.

Hamilton, L.C., J. Wirsing & K. Saito. 2018. “Demographic variation and change in the Inuit Arctic.” Environmental Research Letters 13:11507.

Hamilton, L.C. 2018. “Self-assessed understanding of climate change.” Climatic Change 151(2):349–362.

Hamilton, L.C., M. Lemcke-Stampone & C. Grimm. 2018. “Cold winters warming? Perceptions of climate change in the North Country.” Weather, Climate, and Society 10(October):641–652.

Hamilton, L.C., E. Bell, J. Hartter & J.D. Salerno. 2018. “A change in the wind? U.S. public views on renewable energy and climate compared.” Energy, Sustainability and Society 8(11).

Bolin, J.L. & L.C. Hamilton. 2018. “The news you choose: News media preferences amplify views on climate change.” Environmental Politics 27(3):455–476.

Hamilton, L.C., J. Hartter, B.D. Keim, A.E. Boag, M.W. Palace, F.R. Stevens & M.J. Ducey. 2016. “Wildfire, climate, and perceptions in northeast Oregon.” Regional Environmental Change 16:1819–1832.

Hamilton, L.C., C.P. Wake, J. Hartter, T.G. Safford & A. Puchlopek. 2016. “Flood realities, perceptions, and the depth of divisions on climate.” Sociology 50:913–933.

Hamilton, L.C. & J. Stroeve. 2016. “400 predictions: The SEARCH Sea Ice Outlook 2008–2015.” Polar Geography 39(4):274–287.

Hamilton, L.C., K. Saito, P.A. Loring, R.B. Lammers & H.P. Huntington. 2016. “Climigration? Population and climate change in Arctic Alaska.” Population and Environment 38(2):115–133.