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Loredana Loy

University of Miami

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United States
North America

Loredana Loy is a Postdoctoral Associate in The Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science at the University of Miami. She is a political sociologist researching how interest groups leverage material and political power and wider cultural ideas to shape public discourse and influence social change. Her current projects focus on the role of industries in obstructing climate action, and on the way climate change is leveraged as a political conflict to stoke opposition to climate mitigation initiatives.

Country(ies) of Specialty

United States

Focus areas of expertise

Climate policy and politics Communications research Agriculture Social movements

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James Painter, J. Ettinger, D. C. Holmes, Loredana Loy, J. Pinto, L. M. Richardson, L. Thomas-Walters, K. Vowles, R. Wetts.“Climate Delay Discourses Persist in Global Climate Coverage: A Case Study of the Television Coverage of the IPCC’s 2021 Physical Science Report in Five Countries.” Forthcoming in Communications Earth & Environment.

Loredana Loy, 2022. Experts and climate change politicisation. A case study of the Environmental Protection Agency (1983–2015)Science and Public Policy.

Brulle RJ, Hall G, Loy L, Schell-Smith K. 2021. “Obstructing action: foundation funding and US climate change counter-movement organizations,” Climatic Change. 2021;166(1):17.

Wetts, Rachel, J. Painter, and Loredana Loy. “The IPCC in the Hybrid Public Sphere: Divergent Responses to Climate Mitigation Solutions in Mainstream and Social Media.” Under review at Climatic Change.

Hall, Galen, R. Brulle, Loredana Loy, K. Schell-Smith, M. Hu, and S. Trollback. “Where Private Interests Meet Ideology: Board Interlocks in the Climate Change Countermovement.” Under review at Nature Communications.