Lorenzo Crippa
University of Strathclyde
Based in
United Kingdom
Lorenzo Crippa is a Lecturer in Political Economy at the University of Strathclyde. His research focuses on international political economy, with a particular interest in firms and international organizations. Dr. Crippa’s primary goal is to understand the behaviors of actors that contribute to or influence global issues and to explore feasible solutions to address these challenges. In the area of climate politics, Crippa’s work has examined topics such as companies’ strategic use of greenwashing, lobbying efforts, and the obstructionism of fossil fuel interests in the dissemination of climate science. Methodologically, he specializes in applying computational methods for causal inference and text analysis.

Country(ies) of Specialty
United Kingdom United StatesFocus areas of expertise
Greenwashing Climate policy and politics Scientific assessments Fossil fuelsPublications
1. Bayer, Patrick, Crippa, Lorenzo, Hughes, Hannah, and Hermansen, Erlend “Government participation in virtual negotiations: evidence from IPCC approval sessions.” Climatic Change 177.8 (2024): 132.
2. Bayer, Patrick, Crippa, Lorenzo, Hughes, Hannah, and Hermansen, Erlend “Mapping engagement levels of governments in IPCC approval meetings by topic from text.” Forthcoming at PLOS ONE.
3. Bayer, Patrick and Crippa, Lorenzo “Government interference in information-producing international organizations” Working Paper.
4. Bayer, Patrick, Crippa, Lorenzo, and Genovese, Federica “Energy transition, financial markets and new EU interventionism.” Working Paper.
5. Crippa, Lorenzo, and Kalatzi-Pantera, Dafni “Greening criminal records: How voluntary emission-reduction targets restore corporate reputation.” Working Paper.