M. Feisal Rahman
Durham University
Based in
United Kingdom
M. Feisal Rahman is a postdoctoral research associate with the GCRF Living Deltas Hub in the Department of Geography at Durham University. Trained in Environmental Engineering, he works at the intersection of natural science, social science, and public policy. His research to date has focused on climate change adaptation, adaptation finance, water quality, and delta resilience.

L Kuhl, MF Rahman, S McCraine, D Krause, MF Hossain, AV Bahadur, S. Huq (2021). “Transformational Adaptation in the Context of Coastal Cities.” Annual Review of Environment and Resources V. 46.
M. Soanes, A. Bahadur, C. Shakya, B. Smith, S. Patel, C. del Rio Rumbaitis del Rio, T. Coger, A. Dinshaw, S. Patel, S. Huq, M. Musa, MF Rahman, S. Gupta, G. Dolcemascolo, and T. Mann (2021) “Principles for locally led adaptation: A call to action.” IIED, London.
R Westoby, MF Rahman, KE McNamara, S Huq, R Clissold, MR Khan (2020). “Sharing adaptation failure to improve adaptation outcomes.” One Earth 3 (4), 388-391.
S Patel, M Soanes, MF Rahman, B Smith, D Steinbach (2020). “Good climate finance guide: lessons for strengthening devolved climate finance.” IIED Working Paper-10207IIED
HA Ruszczyk, MF Rahman, LJ Bracken, S Sudha (2020). “Contextualizing the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on food security in two small cities in Bangladesh. Environment and urbanization,” Vol 33(1): 239–254.
D. Mfitumukiza, AS Roy, B Simane, A Hammill, MF Rahman, S. Huq. (2020). “Scaling Local and Community-based Adaptation. Global Commission on Adaptation Background Paper“. Rotterdam and Washington, DC.
M Mostafa, N Nasir, MF Rahman, S Huq (2019). “A Delta in Peril.” American Scientist 107 (5), 288-295.
N Nasir, M Mostafa, MF Rahman, S Huq (2019). “Why capacity building needs to do justice to the Global South?” Climate Futures: Re-imagining Global Climate Justice, Chapter 22
I Noble, F Rahman, S Huq, H Neufeldt (2018). Status and trends: enhancing adaptive capacity to climate change. The Adaptation Gap Report 2018. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
J Taub, N Nasir, MF Rahman, S Huq (2016). From Paris to Marrakech: global politics around loss and damage. India Quarterly 72 (4), 317-329.
M Mostafa, MF Rahman, S Huq (2016). Climate adaptation funding: getting the money to those who need it. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 72 (6), 396-401.