M. Omar Faruque
Queen's University
Based in
North America
I am an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Global Development Studies at Queen’s University. I received my PhD in Sociology from the University of Toronto. My scholarly research, broadly speaking, focuses on resource politics, environmental governance, energy politics, climate change, the politics of low-carbon development, and social movements in South Asia (with an empirical focus on Bangladesh). My doctoral research project examines a multi-scalar social movement against global extractive capital in Bangladesh. My recent SSHRC-funded research project focuses on environmental mobilizations against fossil fuel-based energy development projects in Bangladesh, frequently dubbed “ground zero” in the global climate crisis.
Country(ies) of Specialty
BangladeshFocus areas of expertise
Climate policy and politics Climate Justice Social movementsPublications
M. Omar Faruque. 2021. “Foreign Investment, Mining Conflict, and Contested Development in Bangladesh” Canadian Journal of Development Studies.
M. Omar Faruque. 2020. “Nationalist Imaginaries and Political Mobilization against Global Extractive Capital” Critical Sociology.
M. Omar Faruque. 2019. “Confronting Neoliberal Resource Policy: Mining Conflict and Coal Politics in Bangladesh” in Social Movements Contesting Natural Resource Development, edited by John F. Devlin.
M. Omar Faruque. 2019. “Articulation of Movement Demands and the Politics of Solidarity against Extractive Capital in Bangladesh” Asian Journal of Social Science.
M. Omar Faruque. 2018. “Contested Resource Extraction, Anti-Corporate Protests and the Politics of Movement Alliance in Bangladesh” Journal of Contemporary Asia.
M. Omar Faruque. 2017. “The Politics of Extractive Industry Corporate Practices: Anatomy of a Company-Community Conflict in Bangladesh” The Extractive Industries and Society.
M. Omar Faruque. 2017. “Mining and Subaltern Politics: Political Struggle against Neoliberal Development in Bangladesh” Asian Journal of Political Science.
M. Omar Faruque. 2016. “Neoliberal Resource Governance and Counter-Hegemonic Social Movement in Bangladesh,” Social Movement Studies.