Makere Stewart-Harawira
University of Alberta
Based in
North America
Dr. Makere Stewart-Harawira is Professor of Indigenous, College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta. She is an enrolled member of the Waitaha Taiwhenua ki Waitaki tribe in Aotearoa New Zealand and has been actively engaged in issues related to global transformation, fresh water governance and Indigenous knowledges and ethics for several decades.
Dr. Stewart-Harawira is an Expert Member on a number of Commissions for the International Union for the Conservation including the Commission on Ecosystem Management, joint Specialist Group on Indigenous Peoples, Customary & Environmental Laws and Human Rights and is a National Board Member for Keepers of the Water, Canada.
Contributing Author, “AR6 Climate Change 2022. Working Group II Contribution to the 6th Global Assessment of the International Governmental Panel on Climate Change: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerabilities.” (forthcoming March 2022).
Tschakert, P., Schlosberg, D., Celermajer, D., Rickards, L., Winter, C., Thaler, M., Stewart-Harawira, M., Verlie, B. (2021). “Multispecies justice: Climate-just futures with, for and beyond humans.” WIREs Climate Change, 12 (2), March/April.
Danielle Celermajer, David Schlosberg, Lauren Rickards, Makere Stewart-Harawira, Mathias Thaler, Petra Tschakert, Blanche Verlie & Christine Winter (2020). “Multispecies justice: theories, challenges, and a research agenda for environmental politics.” Environmental Politics.
Makere Stewart-Harawira. 2020.”Troubled Waters: Maori Values and Ethics for Freshwater Management and New Zealand’s Fresh Water Crisis.” WIREs Water, 5 (7).
Makere Stewart-Harawira. 2019. Indigenous Resilience and Pedagogies of Resistance during Conflicted Times. In Jordan Kinder & Makere Stewart-Harawira (Eds.) “Resilient Systems, Resilient Communities.” McCullum Press: Edmonton, AB, pp. 158-179.