Manasi Anand
Cornell University
Based in
United States
North America
Manasi Anand is a PhD Student at the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, Cornell University. She is interested in studying what kind of institutional mechanisms enable and constrain the creation of ecologically and socially viable carbon sinks in India. Prior to this, she completed a Masters in Biodiversity, Conservation and Management from the University of Oxford. Her MSc dissertation and post-dissertation research examined the impacts of different neoliberal forms of governance in shaping multiple environmental subjectivities in degraded forests in Bandipur, South India.

Manasi Anand and Mari Mulyani. 2020. “Advancing ‘Environmental Subjectivity’ in the realm of neoliberal forest governance: Conservation subject creation in the Lokkere Reserve Forest, India.” Geoforum 110 (March 2020): 106-115.