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Marco Puetz

Swiss Federal Research Institute

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Marco Pütz is a Research Group Leader at the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow, and Landscape Research in Birmensdorf, Switzerland. He is also teaching and supervising master students at the Institute of Geography at the University of Zurich. He holds a PhD from the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, Germany. Working from a policy and governance perspective, he is interested in adaptation to climate change, regional policies, spatial planning, nature conservation, and sustainability transformations. He is an elected member of the Academy for Territorial Development ARL in Germany, a fellow of the Regional Studies Association, and serving on the editorial board of Geographica Helvetica – Swiss Journal of Geography.

Country(ies) of Specialty

Austria Germany Switzerland

Focus areas of expertise

Climate policy and politics Net Zero Scientific assessments

How to Connect



Lange B, Pütz M, Herlo B (2023): Rethinking geographies of sovereignty: towards a conceptual framework of situated sovereignty. Geography Compass, 17 (12), e12728. https://compass.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/gec3.12728.

Guthauser A, Pütz M, Seidl I, Olschewski R (2023): How to achieve the net-zero target? Lessons learned from past transformations. PLOS Sustainability and Transformation. 2(6): e0000068. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pstr.0000068.

Willi Y, Pütz M, Jongerden J (2023): Unpacking legitimacy in regional development: Asymmetric justification and the functioning of regional development agencies. Territory, Politics, Governance, 11 (1), 158-173. https://doi.org/10.1080/21622671.2020.1805352.

Bardsle AM, Bardsley DK, Conedera M, Pütz M, Robinson GM, Weber D (2021): Wildfire,
environmental risk and deliberative planning in the Locarnese region of
Switzerland. Environmental Management, 68,

Braunschweiger D, Pütz M (2021): Climate adaptation in practice: how mainstreaming strategies matter for policy integration. Environmental Policy and Governance, 31 (4), 361-373. https://doi.org/10.1002/eet.1936.
Job H, Willi G, Mayer M, Pütz M (2020): Open Spaces in Alpine Countries: Analytical Concepts and Preservation Strategies in Spatial Planning. Mountain Research and Development, 40 (3), D1-D11.

Willi Y, Nischik G, Braunschweiger D, Pütz M (2020): Responding to the Covid-19 Crisis: Transformative Governance in Switzerland. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 111 (3), 302-317.

Braunschweiger D, Pütz M, Heidmann F, Bludau MJ (2018): Mapping governance of adaptation to climate change in Switzerland. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 5 (1), 398-401. https://doi.org/10.1080/21681376.2018.1549507.

Bardsley D, Palazzo E, Pütz M (2018): Regional path dependence and climate change adaptation: a case study from the McLaren Vale, South Australia. Journal of Rural Studies, 63, 24-33. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2018.08.015.

Willi Y, Pütz M, Müller M (2018): Towards a versatile and multidimensional framework to analyse regional governance. Environment and Planning C, 36(5), 775–795.

Huber N, Hergert R, Price B, Zäch C, Hersperger A, Pütz M, Kienast F, Bolliger J (2017): Renewable energy sources: conflicts and opportunities in a changing landscape. Regional Environmental Change, 17 (4): 1241-1255.

Pütz M, Gubler L, Willi Y (2017): New governance of protected areas. Regional Nature Parks in Switzerland. eco.mont – Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management, 9 (1): 75-84.

Kruse S, Pütz M (2014): Adaptive capacities of spatial planning in the context of climate change in the European Alps. European Planning Studies, 22 (12), 2620-2638.

Pütz M, Kruse S (2014): Assessing the climate change fitness of policies: the case of spatial planning in the Alpine space. In: Prutsch A, McCallum S, Swart R, Grothmann T, Schauser I (Eds.): Climate Change Adaptation Manual. Lessons learned from European and other industrialized countries. Tayler & Francis/Routledge. 256-260.

Kruse S, Stiffler M, Baumgartner D, Pütz M (2013): Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in the Alpine space: A case study on the adaptive capacity of the tourism sector. In: Schmidt-Thomé P, Greiving S (eds.): European climate vulnerabilities and adaptation: A spatial planning perspective, Chichester: Wiley. 273-287.

Pütz M, Gallati D, Kytzia S, Elsasser H, Lardelli C, Teich M, Waltert F, Rixen C (2011): Winter tourism and climate change: attitudes towards artificial snow and regional economic impacts of snow-making. Mountain Research and Development. 31 (4), 357-362.

Rixen C, Teich M, Lardelli C, Gallati D, Pohl M, Pütz M, Bebi P (2011): Winter tourism and climate change: an assessment of resource consumption, snow reliability and future snow-making potential. Mountain Research and Development. 31 (3), 229-236.