Matthew Lockwood
Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex
Based in
United Kingdom
Matthew Lockwood has been a Senior Lecturer in Energy Policy at SPRU since December 2018. Previously he was at the Energy Policy Group at the University of Exeter, as a Senior Research Fellow working on innovation and governance in the UK energy system. Prior to that he was Head of the Climate Change Team at the Institute of Development Studies at Brighton. He has also worked for a think-tank, a number of NGOs, and for UK national and London city governments. His main interests are in the political economy of climate and energy policy, with a particular interest in how differences in institutional contexts between countries affect policies and outcomes.

Country(ies) of Specialty
United KingdomFocus areas of expertise
Climate policy and politics Net Zero Renewable energyPublications
Lockwood M. 2021. “A hard Act to follow? The evolution and performance of UK climate governance,” Environmental Politics. 2021;0(0):1-23.
Lockwood M. 2021. “Routes to credible climate commitment: the UK and Denmark compared,” Climate Policy. 2021;0(0):1-14.
Lockwood M, Mitchell C, Hoggett R. 2020. “Incumbent lobbying as a barrier to forward-looking regulation: The case of demand-side response in the GB capacity market for electricity,” Energy Policy. 2020;140:111426.
Lockwood M, Mitchell C, Hoggett R. 2019. “Unpacking ‘regime resistance’ in low-carbon transitions: The case of the British Capacity Market,” Energy Research & Social Science. 2019;58:101278.
Lockwood M, Froggatt A. 2019. “Energy Supply and Decarbonisation Beyond Brexit: Politics and Policy,” The Political Quarterly. 2019;90(S2):117-127.
Roberts C, Geels FW, Lockwood M, et al. 2018. “The politics of accelerating low-carbon transitions: Towards a new research agenda,” Energy Research & Social Science. 2018;44:304-311.
Lockwood M. 2018. “Right-wing populism and the climate change agenda: exploring the linkages,” Environmental Politics. 2018;27(4):712-732.
Lockwood M, Mitchell C, Hoggett R, Kuzemko C. 2017. “The governance of industry rules and energy system innovation: The case of codes in Great Britain,” Utilities Policy. 2017;47:41-49.
Lockwood M, Kuzemko C, Mitchell C, Hoggett R. 2017. “Historical institutionalism and the politics of sustainable energy transitions: a research agenda,” Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. 2017;35(2):312-333.
Lockwood M, Froggatt A, Wright G, Dutton J. 2017. “The implications of Brexit for the electricity sector in Great Britain: Trade-offs between market integration and policy influence,” Energy Policy. 2017;110:137-143.
Eyre N, Lockwood M. 2016. “The governance of retail energy services in the UK: a framework for the future,”UK Energy Research Centre November 30, 2016.
Lockwood M. 2016. “The UK’s Levy Control Framework for renewable electricity support: Effects and significance,” Energy Policy. 2016;97:193-201.
Lockwood M. 2016. “Creating protective space for innovation in electricity distribution networks in Great Britain: The politics of institutional change,” Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. 2016;18:111-127.
Kuzemko C, Lockwood M, Mitchell C, Hoggett R. 2016. “Governing for sustainable energy system change: Politics, contexts and contingency,” Energy Research & Social Science. 2016;12:96-105.
Lockwood M. 2015. “Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform, Rent Management and Political Fragmentation in Developing Countries,” New Political Economy. 2015;20(4):475-494.
Lockwood M. 2015. “The political dynamics of green transformations: feedback and institutional context,” In: Leach M, Newell P, Scoones I, eds. The Politics of Green Transformations. Earthscan; 2015:86-101.
Lockwood M. 2015. “Stern Review 2.0? The Report of the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate,” The Political Quarterly. 2015;86(1):146-151.
Lockwood M. 2014. “Environmental politics in a cold climate,” Juncture. 2014;21(1):89-96.
Lockwood M. 2013. “Paying for climate policy: the case for long-term public borrowing,” Juncture. September 26, 2013.
Frauke Urban, Johan Nordensvard. 2013. “The political economy of low carbon development,” In: Low Carbon Development: Key Issues. Routledge; 2013:352.
Lockwood M. 2013. “The political sustainability of climate policy: The case of the UK Climate Change Act,” Global Environmental Change. 2013;23(5):1339-1348.
Lockwood M. 2013. “What Can Climate-Adaptation Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa Learn from Research on Governance and Politics?,” Development Policy Review. 2013;31(6):647-676.
Chakrabortty A, Perez C, Watson J, et al. 2011. “Debate: Time to start picking winners again?,” Public Policy Research. 2011;17(4):183-188.
Lockwood M. 2011. “Does the framing of climate policies make a difference to public support? Evidence from UK marginal constituencies,” Climate Policy. 2011;11(4):1097-1112.
Lockwood M. 2010. “A Tale of Two Milibands: From Environmental Citizenship to the Politics of the Common Good,” The Political Quarterly. 2010;81(4):545-553.
Lockwood M. 2010. “The economics of personal carbon trading,” Climate Policy. 2010;10(4):447-461.
Lockwood M. 2008. “New coal build and the EU emissions trading scheme,” In: Littlecott C, ed. A Last Chance for Coal: Making Carbon Capture and Storage a Reality. Green Alliance; 2008:29-30.
Lockwood M, Pendleton A. 2008. “Escaping climate policy Groundhog Day,” Public Policy Research. 2008;15(4):159-167.
Lockwood M, Mitchell C, Hoggett R. 2019. “Energy Governance in the United Kingdom,” In: Knodt M, Kemmerzell J, eds. Handbook of Energy Governance in Europe. Springer International Publishing; 2019:1-31.